You Are Enrolled At Nightlife Academy there will be a moderation in classes and extra classes will pop up on the notice board in the homeroom But otherwise
stick to your classes
Sincerly your principal


Dusk looks at Lucy with a grin, "dont get so angry, i like you more when your angry." He turns to Ed and winks, "I love a challenge."

Shut down

Lucy stares down dusk and snatches her hand away she then comes back down with a migty swing and smashes it down on dusk's cheek and with her arm still drawn after the blow she announces "DONT TOUCH ME YOU UNGRATEFULL SWINE!" in a enraged tone.

True Beauty

Pushing Ed and the twins aside, Dusk jumps forward and takes Lucy by the hand, "Oh fair Lucy, they spoke of your beauty but i never thought you would be this beautiful. No woman compares to you, i am your servant for all eternity." Dusk cannot take his eyes off this beauty,"and your breasts are to die for."

show me

Lucy ignores the twins, looks at artemis and holds up her painting "do you like it?" it was a drawing of a wolf "show me yours".


Artemis cringed.. obviously no one was going to give her answers and she was going to have to find them out on her owm... But how...