You Are Enrolled At Nightlife Academy there will be a moderation in classes and extra classes will pop up on the notice board in the homeroom But otherwise
stick to your classes
Sincerly your principal

But ... But... Awwwww

The Twins were shocked to hear that Ed would easliy dob them in "Well Mr.Principal person We Believe that if Ed didnt Frenzy we wouldnt of been compremised"

Attepted escape

Dusk spies a corner that is full of shadows and starts to walk over there to teleport, but is suddenly stopped by a mysterious force. He looks up to see the principal staring at him. "Sorry sir, i didnt think i was needed." Dusk explains


Ed looks at the pricipal " wasent me that hit the vampire was the the twins, they also where the ones that convinced me to leave the school grounds"

You What !!!!!

The Principal Looks At Ed and Shows the anger in his face "You Did What to The Vampire Hunter" the principal teleports behind Ed

The Twins: the twins look at the principal and then look at the ground " Ed We Are in So Much Trouble"


"They were pretty unlucky then aye," Dusk nudges Ed and chuckles.