You Are Enrolled At Nightlife Academy there will be a moderation in classes and extra classes will pop up on the notice board in the homeroom But otherwise
stick to your classes
Sincerly your principal
- Created By Skulduggery69
"so teacher when do we to drain blood from innocents" the twins asked
"Calm down kids calm down i am your hunting teacher Mr. Jenkins now sit down get your shit and shut the hell up" said the teacher who just entered
Name: Artemis Uhikari
Age: 16
Dog Years: 112
DOB: September 14, 1996
Class Year: Sophmore
Race: Lycanthrope
Favorite Class: 3D Glasswork
Nor rules
Lucy looks at the boys *giggles* and says "that wasnt a competition, i didnt even try :3".
no fair
Ed jumps through the window to see Lucy " cheated" Ed looked depressed "ohh well.." Ed got over it and said "so who is our teacher and what do we do in hunting class?"