You Are Enrolled At Nightlife Academy there will be a moderation in classes and extra classes will pop up on the notice board in the homeroom But otherwise
stick to your classes
Sincerly your principal


Ed finished cleaning himself and got out of the shower, dried himself with the towl and then got dressed back into his school uniform. While Ed was getting dressed he herd voices from the other room, but not voices he had herd before, Ed could tel...

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You cant call them the twins any more

Snow stepped in front of Ruby, "We are of the clan - Valentine, and...we don't know yet, one of the reasons we came to this school" he replied with his his arms crossed.

The Twins

The Twins watched everyone decline and sighed "Maybe another time" Adarius clicked and the chef disapeared. The Twins then Noticed the Vampiric Twins walk in and they Greeted them "Hey Snow and Ruby I am Zephyr" Zephyr said walking closer t...

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so, you just post to say that your back...then dont post for the actual roleplay...

OOC Im Sorry

Ok its me yes im back on and i will resume posting asap but i am letting you know that i have been spending time with my Gf that i have missed so much so im sory

your lord and master Foamy