You Are Enrolled At Nightlife Academy there will be a moderation in classes and extra classes will pop up on the notice board in the homeroom But otherwise
stick to your classes
Sincerly your principal

Ed: Declines

Ed was asked by the twins if he would like to go to a resturant (cant spell) with them apparently its got a 5 star rating, Ed looks over at the twins and states "since we are vampires, we dont need to eat food? am i right?" Ed watched as Sessa wok...

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Names: Ruby & Snow Valentine (Val-en-teen)
Appearence age: 17
Vampiric Age: 207 (Snow is older than ruby by 1 hour)
D.O.B: 21/March/1804 (Extremely young)
Race: Noble Vampires (Although, they dont respect their bloodline)
Year at school: Senior's
Favourite class: Anything practical
Bio (Snow): Snow is a typical rebelious teen to his family so they sent him away to a boarding school to try and teach him some respect, but while away from his family he is friendly, and a bit of a show off. Although he is young, he is still quite smart. He takes good care of his sister and he absolutely LOVES cats.
Bio (Ruby): Ruby isnt as rebelious as her brother, although she does think all vampires(no matter what clan or origin) should be treated equally. She is very intelligent and is kind of a neat freak. Like her brother she adores cats, but she doesnt want people to think she's soft, so she keeps it to herself.


hey guys im back from holidays so omnia u dont have to rp Ed anymore XD and i should be back to rping straight away. and if your wondering why i came back early is because it was raining the whole time we went camping and we got heaps wet so we decided to pack up and come home anyways, it looks like everyone has gone quiet?? lol i dont think skull has internet and i dunno bout everyone else?? ill try and give skull a buzz tomorrow and find out whats up with him...


Listen we have been quiet for to long Skullduggery69 you need to now rp back with us, cuz it's not fair on the rest of us who are waiting patiently as with Meissa to... it's been to long... This rp has gone into stand still and it's not good... so please rp soon... thanku

Kindest respects to all the rp family



Meissa thought for a minute. She didn't really want to leave the room. She was too scared. All of a sudden, the catgirl leaped of Amarie's lap and onto Adarius. Meissa fiddled with her hair. He had called her beautiful. She was flattered.
(Guys, where did you all go?)