You Are Enrolled At Nightlife Academy there will be a moderation in classes and extra classes will pop up on the notice board in the homeroom But otherwise
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Sincerly your principal
- Created By Skulduggery69
Ed: Question before wraith gets here
Ed thought back to Amarie im not sure what i can do yet...i can control things? do wraiths have a weak mind?
Amarie (( They have been spotted))
In her head she asked urgently to Ed *What exactly can you do with your Telapathy?* She looked focused taking every bit of information in. *It floats so it most proabably will be able to dissaparate at will, stay away from the sleeves, they can be made to be a weapon for cutting, the head is solid but the mouth is gaping it can suck your soul. I say the weak part is the mouth and the head, everything else most proabably woule regrow back once we slice into it. My sword is full of light, love and everything that makes a being be able to feel and live, so it could be a a weapon worth using when it comes to it. My weapon could be poison to it and kill it on target, but It will be hard. As its fast by the looks and can dissaparate. Can your skills do anything to stop it from doing anything reckless? So that I can get to it?*
She looked over her shoulder when she heard it hiss out 'I see you!' This worried Amarie and she looked back at Ed her eyes determined. *We need to be quick, it's spotted us. We need a surprise attack, what can you do?*
Ed: Wraith
Ed followed Amarie down the corridors in search of the wraith while they where running/walking (ooc cant remember :/) Amarie was asking a lot of questions one of them was towards Ed he answered "Yeah i can use what i know, what do you want me to do?" in return to the question. Ed and the others eventually got to where the wraith was. ED waited around the corner with the group so Amarie could give an order or share a plan.
i cant write comments atm, dont know why, but just to get it out there, I WANT THEM BOTH TO DIE!!!, so i can make a new character :D
Rozu knew she was going to die, she just didnt want to believe it, she looked over at Adarius and smiled, even though she didnt know him very well she Didnt want to die alone "a-adarius?" she whispered, "is that your name?" she reached out her hand to hold onto his, "its going to be okay, right?"
Meanwhile the wraith was floating around searching for the other student, it floated around the courtyard and then it spotted a girl hiding around the corner, "i see yooouuu" the wraith whispered.