You Are Enrolled At Nightlife Academy there will be a moderation in classes and extra classes will pop up on the notice board in the homeroom But otherwise
stick to your classes
Sincerly your principal
- Created By Skulduggery69
Adarius sighs "It seems I may have been too late to win you over Artemis but I will leave you with this" Adarius pulls a Black rose from his sleeve and flicks it into the air and by the time it hit the ground he was gone out the window again back onto the rooftops
Artemis looks...
Artemis looks up... "uh,bu.... but... i...i cant just walk away like that..."
Adarius saw Artemis and Dusk Hugging he then runs to the window and bursts Through it "Hey Artemis Sup" Adarius was thinking Play hard to get, must play hard to get "Hmmmmm How about we leave this guy and go somewhere" Adarius offers his hand
Artemis was at a loss for words so she just continued to hug Dusk
Zephyr is amazed at how quick Rozu lunged at him "Its alrite your safe now Rozu your with me and you dont remeber anything because you were possesed by a remnant" Zephyr Stroke Rozu's hair "I will protect you from now on" Zephyr hugs Rozu