over the river and though the woods... again...

i'm going to be at my grandmothers house this weekend. tammy and i are going to be dragging in fire wood for the winter.

also i'm not going to be able to post on my anime peoples world. i NEED request... so... if anyone has a fav anime charicter or song please send a pm to me! act now cuz first come first on the list! ^_^

i will be back sunday! ^^

sorry can't update my worlds...

i'm busy job hunting

not on my computer right now...

so i can't make my post about Sasuke on my Anime Peoples world... i'll get to it when i get back to the computer... i don't know how long it will take... i'm still takeing request for who ever wants it...

not on my computer right now...

so i can't make my post about Sasuke on my Anime Peoples world... i'll get to it when i get back to the computer... i don't know how long it will take... i'm still takeing request for who ever wants it...


the xp computer's internet isn't working again... that means i can't respond to comments...

tammy and i are camping tonight! we are camping in the front yard to get away from my brothers! ^_^ we got arizona tea, chips, and cookies!