My ninja club for Naruto and other ninja stuff.
current membership:
gaaralovesyou123- Akira Hyuga- Hokage
DeidaraNarutoClan- Deidara Uchiha- Chunin- 130 points
SojiRem- Seta Soji- Genin- 50 points
gaara is cool135- Nami Tomodachi- Genin- 45 points
SandLover13- Jessica of the Sand- genin- 30 points
Sakushi- Yami Kanashii- Genin- 5 points
MewIchigo02- Hikari Uchiha- Genin- 0 points
gaara is dark- Chocolate (I don't know either)- Genin- 0 points
Sasukelover001- Genin- 0 Points
Sorry I'm not on very much, So if points are lagging behind I'll deal with them when I can.

Naruto - Headstrong

This is the second-last vid that I'm going to post for now, cuz I like listening to the next vid that I'm going to post. X3

Akatsuki - What's Up People?!

I hate the pics they chose close to the middle, but I love the song!

Naruto 5th Opening Theme

Whats up?

well I've sorted through all two of the entries for my contest and unless I see anymore entries in the next week or so I've pretty much chosen the winner. I want everyone to post thier favorite naruto AMV on here. 10 points will be awarded per video up to 3 videos after that it will be 5 points.

My suckish entry

Deiara Uchiha here at your service! Here's my suckish drawing for the Hokage. I may re-draw it someway different cuz I hate it, but that's if I get the chance.