My ninja club for Naruto and other ninja stuff.
current membership:
gaaralovesyou123- Akira Hyuga- Hokage
DeidaraNarutoClan- Deidara Uchiha- Chunin- 130 points
SojiRem- Seta Soji- Genin- 50 points
gaara is cool135- Nami Tomodachi- Genin- 45 points
SandLover13- Jessica of the Sand- genin- 30 points
Sakushi- Yami Kanashii- Genin- 5 points
MewIchigo02- Hikari Uchiha- Genin- 0 points
gaara is dark- Chocolate (I don't know either)- Genin- 0 points
Sasukelover001- Genin- 0 Points
Sorry I'm not on very much, So if points are lagging behind I'll deal with them when I can.

Contest update

I didn't give you all much time so i will extend the due date to sometime in early september.


Hi...I'm Seta Soji ^_^ here is my pic I drew....gaaralovesyou123 please tell me if I got things about right....

Ninja Mission

Ok everybody! I am a terrible artist who can't draw worth crap, so I want you to draw my OC. All entry's will earn 20 points, and the winner will be written into a Naruto fanfic and get 20 additional points toward promotion. the due date is august 29th. I'm looking forward to seeing all the wonderful entries.

Being Evil Rules, Don't Deny it

contest winner

I have chosen DeidaraNarutoClan's pic as teh winner. all the pics were great