Tagged What What (:

Thanks SmallxLady for taggin me ^^ I'm at work taking a break from home work ha ha (yes at work) so this is perfect!

Rule one: Always post the rules.
Rule two: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write eleven new ones.
Rule three: Tag as many people as possible and let them know you tagged them!!

Would you rather have super strength or telekinesis?
oooooooooooo.... this is a good one..... probably telekinesis i feel like you could do a lot more with that ^^

What is your fondest vacation memory?

I think my fav vacation memory was... going to seven flags (amusement park) with my sisters i love them so much (:

Whats about music? Favorite band?
My fav band huh... well to be honest i listen to a lot of ost from anime and classical but band wise i would choose... alice and chains jar of flies

Lets have some fun here. Lets say you fall through a magic portal, what anime/manga/movie/game world do you land in and why?
THIS QUESTION THOUGH!!!!! Hmmmmmm to be honest i'd probably pick... hyrule from legend of zelda games so i could chill with Link and the Kokiri ^^ (theres waaaay to many anime i'd love to live in so i could meet my boyfriends ha ha)

What about books, including manga, do you like?
My fav. series for books is the Earth Children Series but manga yes i looove them ^^ i haven't updated my list lately but i keep up with Tokyo Ghoul, Say I Love You and Bleach (:

Whats your fashion style?
At work(i'm a manager at a day spa) I wear black pants with neutral shirts but generally i wear skinny jeans, flats and baggy shirts that slid off the shoulder, my awesome fandom t-shirts or baggy sweaters ^^

Would you have tea with the mad hatter?
Of Course!!! How could i not?!?! I'd probably act a little mad with him as well ^^

Do you have a favorite sport?
Probably soccer when i could run more (yea i'm out of shape ha ha thinking of a diet) or badminton ha ha

Whats something you do to destress yourself?
Well i work in a spa so i have access to tons of bath products so i soak or watch anime/draw anime ^^

Do you have any bad habits?
so many >.< I'm ashamed to say i sometimes judge people before i get to know them but i realize right away i'm doing it and stop. I also tend to be loud and outspoken so i have to really watch what i say >.<

If you could have any animal ears what ears would you have?
I'd have bunny ears ^^ they are so cute (:

Do you believe in the paranormal?
Yes!! I've had too many strange experiences not to believe o.O

Thanks for this it was so much fun now for my questions

If you could befriend a fictional character who would it be and why?
What anime would you live in?
On a scale of 1-10 how friendly are you really?
Would you say that you are generally a good person?
What are your best qualities?
What are your worst?
Do you believe in life after death?
What is your dream job?
What pokemon would you have?
What anime/manga would you like to help develop and write for?Why?
What is your all time fav anime/manga/videogame ^^

I'll tag lets see: clueless101, art4life, Keya, Hifsa, XxArrancarFanxX
(if you do not want to do it i understand ^^)
