I've been Tagged By Hifsa

1. What is your favorite book and why?

My favorite book ever is probably....Clan of the cave bear. It's just such a wonderful story and really gets your brain going (:

2. What are your usual hobbies?

Generally my hobbies include reading/writing/drawing and watching anime ^^ I'm hoping to get yoga in there as well

3. Do you have an unusual habit or quirk?

I have a strange habit of putting both katchup and syrup on my hash browns ha ha does that count >.<

4. Do you believe in dreams?

I do whether its something you do at night or aspirations I think drinks are very important to everyone.

5. How much self-belief and confidence do you have in yourself?

To be honest i'm not that confident in myself. I'm always seconding guess what I do and I don't really believe the work I do is my best. I'm one for second opinions

6. Do you have what it takes to pursue your dreams?

I want to believe I do but as you can see from the question before I may not think I do. If i keep trying my best i'm sure I'll make it (:

7. Have you met anyone from TheO in real life?

No >.< But I hope to one day. You guys are all really special and nice so it would be great to see people in person (:

8. A word you'd use to describe me.

Generous... I think you are a very selfless, generous person who always helps out a friend in need. I think these are wonderful qualities to have (:
