
After many hours of playing hide-and-seek and waking up Jess since she still couldn't cope the fact that Akane was acting so nice XD (Akane: Shut the hell up!!!), Jess said goodbye to her other friends and went to see her other mother.

"I'm home... I think?" Jess questioned aloud. With this Other World, Jess wouldn't be homeless anymore and would have a family after all.

"Hello dear. I didn't know you would come so soon. I just finished putting up traps for that big vermin! I made us some pizza." At the word pizza, Jess ran to the table and waited to taste the yummy delicasy people call food.

"This is great stuff, thank you!" Jess smiled while eating. When she finsihed, OKarura called OSasori and the other puppet master had a black box. He put it down on the table.

"Jessica, you love having a family and a home, right?" OKarura asked gentley. Jess nodded.

"You know, you can stay here forever and ever." OSasori continued. Then both of them talked at the same time, "There's only one thing you would have to do..." The Other Mother opened the box carefully. Jess gasped.

"I knew these would match your face perfectly^^!" OKarura showed Jess blue buttons and a sewing needle. Jess gulped and closed her eyes.

~At HideOut~

To make a very long escape short, Akane escaped from being grounded. One second later, Oogie came back from the disney villian meeting to find that everyone had gone except for Poker, who had just finished looking at his naked boy photos.

"Oh, hey boss!" Poker turned and was drunk. When Poker is drunk, a boy would be raped at any minute.


~Now with Akane~

"Do you hear sensei screaming?" Akane asked.

"I can only hear you hugging me so tenderly..." Chicago sighed. Akane raised her fists and punched Chicago down.

"Heh... idiot..." The cards laughed at Chicago. Chicago glared but kept walking.

"Here we are. Akane, you go first." Hybrid didn;t want to be attached again. Akane pushed both boys aside and went to the forest clearing.

"She's out of your life..." The cards sang in mockery with what seemed to be the worse impersonation of Michael Jackson's voice ever. Chicago growled in anger and he just wanted to destroy the cards once and for all!
