Hachimata sighed listening to the yelling going on in the rest of the demon relm. It was irritating hearing the constant clash of Kyuubi and Shukaku. He could barely think while those two bickered.
"Will you two ssssshut up already!" he yelled through the walls.
It got quiet for a moment and then the two continued on as if nothing had happened. Hachi sighed and went back to his game but found it was utterly impossible to think. He sighed and looked over into the human world portal for some interest.
"Blech...." Hachi hissed, "Why Ssshukaku keepsss that thing I will never underssstand."
Hachi looked in anyway and found that someone had concentrated it on the leaf village. Hachi looked in to see Kyuubi's jinchuriki, Naruto. He laughed to himself.
"Narto'sss being resstless again...." Hachi laughed. For some unknown reason, Hachi took pleasure in seeing humans squirm.
Hachi stood up and went to the kitchen. If anyone had touched his cupcakes there would be a lot of blood going to be on the floor. Shukaku looked up from the refrigerator, and Hachi's right eye twitched.
"Oh hey Hachi," Shukaku said.
Hachi's eye twitched again, and he hissed.
"You been taking those anger management classes Hachi?" Shukaku asked becoming a little pale.
Hachi hissed again slowly transforming into his eight headed state.
"Hachi now...." Shukaku said trying to laugh it off.