
Jess looked at the flames, then went towards them. The flames burned her skin. Jess threw a paper bomb, and she got through an opening. She tried to kick D. but he was too fast for her.

"Face it, b***! I'm big, you're small. I'm right and you're wrong." D. laughed. Jess was about to quit when she saw familiar face.

"Wanna bet, Darky?" Jess smirked.

"That's a sucker bet-" D. was then hit by lava and a fist.

"Yeah, cuz' you're the sucker!" The person said. It was Akane. Jess opened her mouth.

"I can't die Jess. I'm a no-I mean, I'm immortal." Akane lied. Jess smiled. D. Kyuubi transformed into his fox form.

"Why me?" Jess and Akane said at the same time.

Please continue....
