Akane's Profile

Name: Akane "Xenus" BoogieGirl
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Nobody
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Brown
Personality: sassy, jazzy, stubborn, selfish, has a gentle side in a few times
Likes: gambling, torturing, being involved, her friends
Dislikes: Gamex, dragons, being in trouble, being wrong, Triskix
Attack Types: Lava, Fire, Song, and Magic
Family: Gamex (Like an evil sister)
Relationships: Is now raping Xait
Friends: Oogie, Chicago, Jess, Lilia, Rosaxi, Lexanis, and Deidrex
Weapon: Red Lava Heart Keyblade with lucky dice on the end
Favorite Song: Venus
Sayings: "You may not know my name, but you'll always remember me."
Looks: Like Anko except for the color and the clothing
Clothing: black cloak with hood, black ninja sandals, broken heart necklace
History: When Jess died as a baby, that was when Xenus was "born". She was taken to Hades where he took care of her until she was 4. Hades took Xenus to a villian's meeting and she landed in Halloween Town where Oogie kept her and changed her name to Akane. She met Jess when Jess died again.-_-' When it comes to Oogie's henchmen, Akane is the toughest to be around. At age 9, she met Xait but the next day, Triskix captured her and she went to Organization XIII for the day. The very next day, Triskix throws Akane into a volcano for 10 years. Akane still hates Triskix for that. Everyone who knew her back then didn't remember her name anymore. But when she was 19 and Jess died becoming a heartless, Akane lived and helped to kill Maleficent. Akane secretly loves Xait. And her favorite thing to do is to transform herself into her giant Holidays queen form, dress up Jess as Sandy Claws, and holding the girl hostage.

