Jess the Werehog's Profile

Name: Jess the Werehog
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Werehog (Werewolf+Hedgehog)
Hair Color: purple
Eye Color: green
Personality: rough, tough, can be soft, has a gruff-like voice
Likes: Full moons, Taro, werewolves, anything that Jess likes
Dislikes: being locked up, Eggman, Orochimaru, Dark Gaia and Jaia, etc.
Attack Types: Taijutsu, Moon, Darkness
Family: Same as Jess's family
Relationships: Currently dating Taro
Friends: Deiara, Taro, Shukaku, Celena, Sonic the Werehog, etc.
Weapon: None
Favorite Song: Animal I have Become by Three Days Grace
Sayings: "So you've gone and done it this time?"
Looks: Like Sonic the Werhog but more Jess like.
Clothing: Spiked collar, cuffs around hands and feet, red sneakers with spikes, sand village headband around neck, Heart necklace
History: When Jess was 6 1/2 years old and was experimented by Orochimaru, she turned into a werehog in order for Dark Jaia to be awakened. In her werehog form, Jess can smash objects, lift heavy things, and has rubber claws. Because of her transformation, Jess met, I mean pounced, Celena and became friends. She can tell whenever someone lies to her. Jess may act like a werewolf, but she doesn't get along with the other werewolves because of her looks. She only comes out at night time. She then went on to be one of Jess's demons.

Jess:*transforms into Werehog* Hey guys!^^ Does any other werewolf other than Celena like me?
Werewolves: *shakes their heads no*
Jess: Okay then...-_-'

~Jess The Werehog
