Future and Rescuing

"So Meru and I have to share you?" Jess asked the over-sized female bat. Willa nodded.

"Oh, I thought it was something important..." Jess started to leave when Willa stopped her.

"Before you go, I must warn you something. In a year, you'll be in an evil organization where you meet new mentors, defeat a new enemy, and discover a hidden secret within your life. And don't forget; some doors aren't met to be open..." Then Willa said goodbye to Louie and Louie went back to the biju relm.

Jess didn't know what that meant, but thanked Meru and Willa and walked back to the mouth of the cave. She then saw Taro, who was starting to be sober, tying up a mini-rope to a tree high up in the waterfall to hang himself.

"Holy God!" Jess cried out. She ran up to the tree, transformed into her WereHog mode, and cut the rope before Taro could kill himself.


"She loves me...she loves me not...She loves me..." Spits started to say as he sewed a purple ninja outfit with spiderweb designs. Chicago and Poker were fighting again, Oogie went to another Disney villain meeting, Akane was fixing the magma maze as punishment...ah yes, everything went back to normal...

"Spits, come here for a sec." Hybrid beckoned the spider.

"What?" Spits yawned.

"There's a letter for you from her..." Hybrid said with disgust, then shuddered. Spits read the letter with a scared expression. The letter went like this:

Hey Webboy,
Long time no see! It's been so long since I ate your Daddy Longlegs. Since I'm hunry for spiders now, I'll be coming to prey on you tonight!


"There's no way!" Spits stuttered, "I can't go to that carnivirous rose...I don't have the guts..." Hybrid read the lsat portion of the letter.

"P.S. When you left your "Dollface's" world, I captured her so she can see her little boyfriend suffer..." Spits blinked, then ripped the letter in half. He was angry and he wnated to stop the living, bug-eating plant once and for all!

"...And this time, it's personel..."
