This is my world of memes, tags, and answers.

That is my job here in the Inquisition Department: I receive paperwork to fill out in the form of your memes, tags, and questions. I then fill out these submissions for your edification on the subject of the randomness that is me and my life. It's an important subject: that's why I've got this whole office department dedicated to the job. I hope you find my work informative, or at least, you know, entertaining. If you have any questions, feel free to submit them to the Help Desk under the name of Private Messages and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Yet another meme

1: What would you name your future daughter? That's hard. I would have to think for a while. I like Anise (a plant, pronounces Anniss), Jasmine, Lily, Jade, Astrid, Indira, Crystal, Elora, Aurora...but I don't know if I'd use them. I change ...

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Hogwarts meme

I've been doing a lot of memes today. Random mood I guess. As a Potterhead I couldn't pass this one up. GRYFFINDOR: [x]You’ve never done illegal drugs. [x]You have a lot of friends. [ ]You get along with everyone....

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Random meme

•I am a cuddler. (But only for short periods of time because I can't stay still) •I am a morning person. •I am an only child. ...

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Confessions meme

SCHOOL CONFESSIONS [X] Talked back to a teacher. [ ] Been kicked out of a class. [X] Worn your pajamas to school. [X] Had your tooth fall out during school. [X] Gotten yourself lost in your school. [X] Broken th...

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Nationality Quiz

Stole it from Hana Ishida and actually began to find this one a bit offensive, so a fair warning to you. ● B R I T I S H ○● [x] You drink a lot of tea. [ ] Foggy weather is great. [ ] Deal or No Deal ha...

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