7 friends

So...I am making a tag. This is a kind I haven't seen before so I'm feeling creative here. I'm thinking we should all start letting other people know what they mean to us, so here this is.


1. Answer each of the 7 questions with the name of one of your friends on theO.
2. No repeat names.
2. The 7 people you named are then tagged. Send them a PM with a link to let them know.

1. To which person would you be likely to tell your secrets?
Hulaberry32. She's really sweet and caring. I feel like she wouldn't judge me.
2. You're asking someone out and you're nervous/want advice. Who do you talk to?
LightFykki, because from my first day on theO I've known him to be reasonable, sensible, and glad to help people out.
3. You're having a bad day and just want someone to listen. Who would that be?
DemonsandAngels. Though I'd hate to burden her with my complaints she is a great listener.
4. You're in jail! Who's going to come and bail your butt out of there?
Um...I'm not sure. I don't know if I could ask that of anyone, really. But maybe Lileeboo? I feel like Lilee would want to help a friend out. I guess it depends what I did.
5. Who's in there with you saying "This'll be a great story to tell at parties"?
Larxy The Strange.
6. This is someone who makes you laugh or smile. Who is it?
Hikari the Wolf, for a fierce love of wolves and adorable wolf pics.
7. Who do you admire?
Oh, this is hard. A lot of people. But right now, I'd have to say Klassic, for being such a good friend to so many people and for not giving up.

Now all you guys are tagged! Pass it on!
