random questions (EDIT 5)

Random questions given to me by Prismlotus.

What flavor of jelly would you be? Grape or raspberry.

If your skin could be any color, what would you want it to be? Purple, I feel like I'd look good in purple.

If you had the power to transform anything into anything you wanted, whom or what would you do it to and what would they become? I would turn an object waterproof, such as a book or my laptop, so that I could entertain myself in the shower.

What would you do if everything you touched twice shattered into a million pieces? I would use my power to destroy villains until my difficult and isolating condition drove me to insanity. I would then become a villain myself and would have to be stopped. Upon realizing what I had become, I would touch myself twice and break myself.

If you could have any fictional character come to life to live with you for a day, whom would it be and what would you do during that time? Oh wow, that's tough. Umm...I'd like to visit with Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones, because he'd be entertaining and would probably give good advice.

If a cat gave you nine lives, would you be more reckless or would you be the same, what would you do knowing you can avoid death nine times? I would be much more reckless, and do all the things on my bucket list such as skydiving.

What would you do if your body became fragile like glass for one day? I would hide away in my bed until that day ended.

EDIT: There are now more

If you woke up as the opposite gender, what would you do? I'd probably be very confused as to how that had occurred. Then I would treat it as a sort of experiment, because all my life I have learned how to act as one gender, so I would see how well I could learn to play the part of the other. It would probably be difficult but interesting.

If all your friends became robots, what would you say to them? I would ask them to fix my computer. It has been malfunctioning recently, so yeah...I would also ask them how it felt to be a robot, and if I should try to become one, myself.

If you could warp reality to be whatever you wanted it to be, what would you make of it? I would give humans wings. I would also create a portal gun like in Portal, because then I could make an infinite free-fall loop. Oh yeah, and I would invent mythical creatures and turn the sky purple because why not?

If solid matter became liquid matter and liquid matter became solid, but humans retained their form, how would you survive? I'd eat ice cubes and drink food. It would be weird.

What would you do if your parents suddenly became birds? Become an enchantress and learn how to turn them back. First I would freak out though, and probably wouldn't believe it had happened.

If you had the power to envelop things in bubbles that made them float, what would you do? Make random people float to annoy them, and also float small children if they found it fun. If I saw a person being attacked, I could float the attacker and allow their victim to escape. And if I could control the bubbles, then I would be lazy and rarely have to get up again, because I could grab things using the bubbles.

Would you sacrifice your sight for the ability to shoot lasers from your eyes? Nope. If you can't see, you can't aim.

If you had the ability to change people's genders, what would you do? Randomly gender-swap people when bored. And I suppose whenever I met someone unhappy in their body I could offer to change it for them.


If Pokemon were real, which Pokemon would be your starter? Oh wow, it's been too long...Charmander.

If people became shadows and you were the only one that wasn't one, what would you do? I would probably pinch myself to see if I was in a dream. And then I would freak out. Finally, I would attempt to become a shadow so that I wouldn't feel alone in this newly changed world.

If something was chasing you, and you could hide in anything solid, like a wall through merging with it, how would you hide? I would merge with the ground, then reach out and trip my attacker.

If your fingers became crayons, what would you do? THE WORLD IS MY CANVAS!

If everyone whom died came back to life, and there was no more death, what would you do? I would seek out meetings with historical figures, then go and find a place less crowded.

If you could reach in and grab something on a computer screen to bring it into reality, what would you take? Example: a picture of an orange online you could take into reality and make it a real orange that you could eat. You could even grab letters online if you want. Well, I see a lot of cool inventions online, so I'd grab those. I'd also go on amazon, search all the stuff I can't afford, and grab it.

If you were a firework, what would you do? I would be big and purple, and I would deeply resent my expulsion into the vast skies. Therefore, I would explode with all my rage, emitting a loud noise that would terrify anyone in the vicinity. Then I would burn out. Alas, revenge will not be mine. I fought valiantly.

If you were Kirby, what would you do? I would wander the streets leaving people wondering if they really had seen Kirby.

If you could change your hair into any color on any day, what would you change it to? I'd change it every week and experiment with colors. I would totally do rainbow.

If you could reverse time, how and when would you use it? Only for little things. Say it was raining and I forgot my umbrella. I would reverse time so that I remembered the umbrella. Basically I would live life as a test run, learning all the mistakes not to make.

If you could take a brick and make it into a pizza, how would you use that ability? I would feed the impoverished wherever I went and would also puzzle my friends by being able to conjure pizza seemingly out of nowhere. Though they'd beg me to tell them my trick, I never would. They wouldn't believe me if they knew.

If you could turn anything into money, how would you use that power? Note with this power you'd have to consider inflation, and the money doesn't have to be US Dollars. I'd pay for my college education and then donate to some charities. No more beyond that, because, as you said, there is inflation to consider.

If you had the ability to change the weather, what would you do? I would make ski days perfect, but change nothing else. The Earth does what it does for a reason. One person's bad weather is the weather someone else hoped for. Oh, but I suppose I'd reduce the severity of natural disasters in my area.

If wearing any hat gave you random ears when you took it off, what would you do? Example: A ski cap when put on and taken off would give you dog ears. I'd have bat ears, because they are so useful and I've always wanted to know what it would be like to "see" by echolocation. Or perhaps dolphin ears. Underwater echolocation.


If you had to choose between the ability to make mountains or mists appear out of nowhere, which would you choose and how would you use it? I think I'd choose the mist, for good special effects, or just to annoy people who bothered me. I could make a spooky atmosphere for whatever reasons, or just cause a ghostly trail of mist to follow someone as a prank. Misty morning sunrises are really pretty, too.

If you were president, what would you do? Oh wow, I don't even know. That job is really demanding and tough. Umm...I'd be a huge advocate for equality (marriage equality in all states, for example, or gender equality) and I'd probably make it a rule that giant adult-size playgrounds would be built everywhere. I feel like everyone would be a lot less tense and healthier that way.

If you were slowly turning into a cat, ( your hands turned into paws one day, etc.) what would you do each day? I'd practice agility, because cats can do cool things like that. I'd also eat, because my cat cannot ever refrain from trying to steal my food as I eat it, and, while I enjoy food, I've never eaten something so good that it would cause me to engage in such rude behavior. If food tasted so delicious that it would incite me to climb on people and attempt to take their food from their plate, I would want to have that eating experience.

If you had the ability to draw an X on something and that deleted it from existence, what would you use it on? Wasps. I don't really know what else to do, everything else that I hate is still necessary for some reason. I hate the DMV, I hate drivers who cut you off and then drive slower than you, I hate corrupt corporations, but if I deleted things such as these there would certainly be negative repercussions. But wasps are just pure evil, and whatever hole they would leave in the ecosystem, I'm pretty sure that the benefits of their absence would outweigh the bad, as they are yet another threat to bees and we need bees. I'm not sure, as I'm not an expert, but I would like to delete wasps. Perhaps mosquitos too.

If random colors of ribbons came out of you each time you woke up, what would you do? I would probably try to study this phenomenon further, and see if the ribbons could be captured, and what they meant.

If you knew you were going to get a gift everyday, what would you want? Money, so that I could invest it in choice things.

If pennies became sharp and dense enough to cut through diamonds, what would you do with them? I would frequently carry pennies around so that I could make good use of their abilities. However, I wouldn't use them to cut diamond, because diamond isn't actually as valuable as many people think it is. If something harder than diamond existed, diamond would not be worth much at all because its greatest value is that it can cut anything.

If when it snowed, it also snowed tiny sapphires, what would you do?This would cause the value of sapphires to drop. However, I could still use the pretty stones for art, as I like the color blue. The first thing I would do would be to go get my skis waxed, as sapphire snow would be very tough on them.

If you had the ability to disconnect your mandibles so you could swallow anything like a snake, what would you eat? I would eat all the same things as I usually do, but differently. I would bet friends that I couldn't get down an entire plateful in one bite. I would also get to be less careful of what I ordered in restaurants, since I wouldn't have to worry about making a mess of myself with things that are gooey or sticky. However, I might accidentally ingest silverware and various small dishes on occasion, and that could be bad.

If your nails had different colors on them each day without you doing anything to them, how would you explain it? I might say, "I'm very talented". Or else I might say that I do weird things in my sleep.

If every seventh day you knew a disaster would happen and where it would happen, what would you do and would you eventually give up if you knew this would happen for the rest of your life? I would probably predict the upcoming disasters for people, but as they wouldn't believe me at first, many people would be affected anyway. Eventually, I would become overwhelmed and leap from a window to end the frequent disasters spanning my lifetime.


If an alien abducted you and offered to change any part of you with their advanced technology, what would you let them alter? My hair. It's naturally very unruly, so I'd ask them to make it manageable for me. I'd also ask them to give me the ability to change its color at will, so my pink streaks would never fade out in the shower, but I could switch up the color if I got bored of pink.

If you could flatten people into a flat 2-d form, who would you do it to and what would you do with them? I would tie my friends to strings and allow them to fly up in the air with air resistance like paper. If anyone threatened me, I would flatten them, put a stamp on them, and mail them somewhere else.

If birds started to talk to you, what would you do? I would master their language and be their good ruler. I would distribute bread crumbs to hungry birds, and in return, they would poop on people who annoyed me.

If you wrapped something in aluminum foil and it turned into a anime version of itself, what would you wrap it around? People first, so that I could see what we all looked like in anime form, and then my cat, to confuse him.

If trees would dump ink on people below them, would you purposely push someone underneath to get inked and who would it be? Probably my best friend as a prank, or my brother. He has very light hair, so it would turn him the color of the ink.

If when you made a sound in a library something would break and you could control what it broke, what would you let break? I would break the bookshelves, because I'm an angry short person who has lived a lifetime of not being able to reach high places. So I would then be able to reach my books, and I would teach those shelves a lesson!

If you had to wear a lamp shade for a day or else your hair would fall off, what would you do? I might drink, because apparently drunk people think a lampshade on their head is hilarious. But if I had something important to do that day, then instead I would just wear the lampshade and go around saying, "You'll understand everything soon enough" to people.

If talking on the cell phone caused cancer to whomever you talked to, what would you do? Well, this will be a simple answer. Since I wouldn't wish that on anyone, I wouldn't call people or take calls on a cell phone. I'd probably still keep it to text though, as long as that didn't harm anyone.

If there really was a Santa Claus and you met him while he came down the chimney, what would you say to him? Well, I'd tell him he's kinda creepy. He watches you sleep, knows if you've been naughty, sneaks into your house at night, and gives presents to all the "good children". All that is bad enough, but eating my milk and cookies? Inexcusable!

If there really was a tooth fairy and it visited you to show it existed, what would you do? I would ask him or her what they were doing with my teeth and why it would be necessary. But I've lost all my baby teeth and have none to spare.

If part of your body had to turn into gold to save the world becoming immobile in the process, and you had a choice which part would be afflicted, what would you do? My eyebrows! I'd still be functional and my eyebrows would match my hair. Plus, gold makes really good wire, so gold hairs probably wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience. Gold is pretty weak, so the only thing I'd have to deal with would be my eyebrows falling off. Or I could turn my nails to gold and never have to paint them again. EDIT: It has been clarified that this is not an option. I would choose my bellybutton. Being gold and of separate origin from my skin, it would fall off. I could live without one, however.

If grass grew on your arms, what would you do? I would start an arm garden and spontaneously sell flowers. I'd never have to wear perfume again because I would smell like flowers.


If you could ride on paper like a magic carpet, where would you visit? The first place I would visit would be the cavern in Mexico where crystal formations grow to massive proportions. I would also use this as transportation, and never have to drive again, although when it rained that would be a pain.

If your finger could become a clone of you if you chopped it off, would you do it? Yes, but I wouldn't tell anyone. I would use my clones to investigate certain circumstances, or I would get one job and send each of my clones to work in turn so that we would all get days off. And if a mysterious vortex ever opened up I could send clones in to investigate.

If you woke up and everyone was a cat except for myself and you, what would you do? I would learn to harness their power and command them to do my bidding. This would not work, because cats are evil. I would study for years to no avail, and the unsolvable problem would slowly drive me insane. Eventually, I would end up crawling around the world, meowing in a perplexed and mournful manner. All of my computer messages to you would deteriorate to a series of clumsily-spelled "meows". It would be up to you to make me snap out of it. You, hating cats, would decline to do so. Eventually I would be reduced to catching and eating mice for food, and upon the discovery that mice do not taste good, the spell would finally be broken and I would revert to using my opposable thumbs, and become an expert in biology. Together, we would genetically engineer a new (improved!) generation of humans to populate the Earth, and the task would fall to us to devise a system to educate these humans about this world. Only I would continue to study the cats, because you hate them, but I would be driven to know what could possibly turn my loved ones and all the world into cats and if the change could possibly be reversed. The whole system comes crashing down when our computerized life-education-system turns corrupt and develops a mind of its own. It hypnotizes the humans, turning them into its minions. They kill us, then begin following the example of the cats. The Cat World Apocalypse follows. I am sorry. I did my best. I did my best. If it's any consolation, the power-addicted computerized system is soon dissatisfied with its unresponsive army of cats and humans acting like cats. Tormented and unable to satisfy its cravings for power, it delivers a large electric charge to itself, frying itself out of consciousness. This is the end.

If you could go into the closet and become someone else, whom would you be? Most of my friends and family, because that would help me to gain a great deal of insight.

If all glass became rubber for a day, what would you do? Turn glassed areas into a bouncing arena.

If you woke up while falling from the sky, what would you do? I would probably think that I was dreaming. If it turned out that I was not, I would concentrate very hard upon speeding my acceleration until I vanished out of this dimension and into a portal. From there, who knows where I would go? It could be a better place. Or it could be an infinitely more dangerous one. But as I hurtle towards the Earth, I reflect that there is no other choice, and vanish just short of hitting the ground. Onlookers are stunned, and no one not present at the scene believes that it actually happened.

If you slowly turned into bread what would you do? ( Arms would turn into bread one day and fall off, etc, until all of you would become bread, and yes you'd still be alive.) Although at first I would resist temptation, I would put Nutella upon myself and eat myself.

If milk gave you the smoothest skin on Earth, would you use it? Oh yes. Milk baths.

If drawing a heart on a person's photograph made them love you forever, would you do it and to whom? Depends what kind of love. If only romantic love, that would be boring, because doing it to the wrong person could be disastrous. However, for non-romantic love, I would draw a heart on all photographs that I found, and would soon become very very popular.

If you woke up and your feet became dogs, what would you do? Train them to do tricks to impress whichever people didn't run away screaming at the sight of my dog-feet.

If you woke up one day and every time you looked at something it grew in size, what would you do? I would look at a dog. Giant dog sidekick, I think yes. Or a lizard, or a snake, or a frog.

If you could only walk on your hands for the rest of your life, what would you do? Get a job in a circus.

What would you do if air became so toxic everywhere that you could only live until you had to breathe? ( Gas masks won't work with this kind of toxic air, as it would have the ability to diffuse and secrete itself into the mask.) I would try to write the most eloquent note possible in the short time I had left.
