Random facts

Username: Sarasface
Birthdate: June 2, 1995
Birthplace: Vermont
Current Location: College library
Eye Color: Blue/gray
Hair Color: blond/gold (currently with pink, but it's fading)
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Male or Female: Female

The shoes you wore today: Blue Flip Flops
Your fears: Wasps and just generally being too awkward for life. Also maybe having my computer history discovered by my parents.

------WHAT IS------
Your most overused phrase: "Sure"
Your thoughts first waking up: "I want to go back to sleep, but I have to pee" (or 'but I'm really hungry')
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: It depends
Your best physical feature: Eyes
Your bedtime: Whenever I'm sleepy. Apparently this also includes class times :P
Your most missed memory: Being at the ocean as a kid, or just traveling.

------YOU PREFER-----
Pepsi or coke: Pepsi.
McDonald's or Burger King: Depends on my mood.
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Neither
Chocolate or vanilla: Depends on my mood.
Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee.

--------DO YOU---------
Smoke: No.
Cuss: Yes.
Take a shower everyday: Just about.
Have a crush: Yes
Do you think you've been in love?: No, but I'm young.
Want to go to college: I am in college.
Like(ed) high school: Some bad, some good, some bullshit.
Want to get married: Depends if it's the right person
Type with your fingers on the right keys: Yes
Believe in yourself: On and off.
Get motion sickness: No.
Think you're attractive: Sometimes.
Think you're a health freak: Not really, but I used to be.
Get along with your parents: Sometimes. It's very complicated.
Like thunderstorms: Absolutely.
Play an instrument: Nope.

--------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU---------
Go to the mall: Yes.
Eaten sushi: No.
Been on stage: No.
Been dumped: No.
Gone skating: No.
Made homemade cookies: No.
Been in love: No.
Dyed your hair: No, but when my hair dye arrives I will.
Stolen anything: Uhh...I don't know if this is technically stealing, but I took a piece of granite when my geology class visited an abandoned quarry. It's for my grandmother's rock collection though, so I think it's justified. Anyway, the quarry is abandoned, so they don't use the granite from there...so I'm not sure how to count this one.

--------HAVE YOU EVER--------
Flown on a plane: Yes.
Missed school because it was raining?: No.
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: No.
Cried during a movie?: Oh yes.
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Maybe...
Had an imaginary friend: Lots of them.
Cut your own hair: Nope.
Had crush on a teacher: No.
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: No.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes, once.
Been called a tease: Nope.
Gotten beaten up: No.
Been in a fight: No.
Shoplifted: No.

-----------THE FUTURE---------
Age you hope to be married: I can't really plan these things. I just hope I'm happy with whatever happens.
Numbers and Names of Children: See above.
How do you want to die?: In an interesting way.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Not a clue.
What country would you most like to visit?: Everywhere.

------------Opp. Sex-----------
Best eye color: No preference.
Best hair color: Black or Brown.
Short or long hair: Depends on the guy
Best height: Taller than me.
Best weight: Depends.
First date location: An adventure!
Best first kiss location: Wherever the moment happens.

----------NUMBER OF-------------
Number of people you could trust with your life: 2
Number of CDs that I own: Don't know.
Number of piercings: Ears.
Number of tattoos: None.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Three
Number of scars on my body: None.

Shampoo: Herbal Essences
Fav Color(s): All
Day/Night: Both.
Summer/Winter: Both.
Fave Anime Character: Sebastian Michaelis
Fave Food: Edible
Fave Movies: Too hard.
Fave sport: Baseball.

-----------RIGHT NOW---------
Wearing: A t-shirt and shorts.
Drinking: Water.
Thinking about: Catching my bus.
Listening to: Idle chatter.

------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------
Cried: No.
Worn jeans: Yes.
Met someone new online: No.
Done laundry: No.
Drove a car: No.
Talked on the phone: No.

-------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-----
Yourself: Sometimes.
Your friends: Absolutely, yes.
Santa Claus: No.
Tooth Fairy: No.
Destiny/Fate: No.
Angels: Yes.
Ghosts: Don't know.
UFO's: Nah.

Do you ever wish you had another name?: Yes. Mine's so generic and common, I get confused.
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: Yes
Do you like anyone: Yes, my boyfriend
Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Her name's the same as mine.
Who have you known the longest of your friends: My best friend.
Are you close to any family member: My cousin.
Who do you hang around the most: My college friends and my best friend.
What's the best feeling in the world: Uh I don't know, happy.
Worst Feeling: Being depressed/anxious, seeing the sun come up when you haven't been able to sleep all night.
What time is it now: 5:11 pm.
