HHHHEEEEYYYYY GGGUUUUYYYYYSSSSS!!! Yeah...I'm super bored!!! And I have to go to work in 40 minutes....bleh! Work has been crappy these past couple weeks. People need to train their dogs better! I've been attacked so many times it's not even funny! One minute a dog will be fine and the next they're tryin' to eat your head off! WTF MATE?!?!?!?!?!? But...yeah. This week started out horrible...I'm tired of my friends walking all over me just because I'm dating Josh....who just happens to be the best thing that ever happened to me! I love im' to death, but they just can't accept that for some reason. I don't see why they hate him so much! Even before we were dating they didn't like him...ARGH!!!!!! I'm sooo irritated right now!!!!! I'd tell ya more but it's a long story...

Well...that's all for now....PLZ comment!

