I had a whole bunch of info up here originally, but I decided to take it down and just type this instead. I'm a 21 year old trash that's not quite come ready to grow up, but isn't quite wanting to stay young either. I have a odd obsession with turtles, I think they're the cutest things ever. TMNT, LoZ, and Sonic the Hedgehog are three of my most beloved franchises. Give me some cheesecake and I'll be your friend forever.
Yes, most of you don't care, but I've been at girls camp for the past while, and now I'm back! WOoT! Let's see if I'll start drawing stuff that I can actually put up now. I draw everyday but only in my journal, so hopefully I'll start drawing actual inspired stuff now. Also, hopefully I'll get a tablet in two months for my birfday. I should probably start practicing my digital art skills right? (Ha, skills that I don't have! XD)
Well...yeah that's all I basically had to say, so now I leave you with my favorite vocaloid song at the moment. I LUVLES Gakupo!!! Right now at the moment he's past Len on my fav list! So here we are Dancing Samurai my Kamui Gakupo
Okay, so I haven't typed anything in a while, and now I will type something! Yeah go me!
So, last night I went to Natsu nii's brithday party. It was pretty entertaining. Especially when we started was Catain Earth, or earth heroes, or something...it involves kids that have rings that control an element and when all of them use their rings at the same time a strong, blue, mullet guys comes and saves the day! AWESOMENESS! XD ....=P Okay so after we watched Jackie Chan adventures. I can't believe how much I miss that show! It's so much better than what's on Disney Channel/ Jetix (Disney xd) I remember I used to watch it all the time. So after that we stayed up until about 2-3 then she and ressa-chan fell asleep. So Angu and I stayed up talking for about another hour or two 'cause her heater made the room so hot! In the end I had to turn it off, and guess what! A couple minutes later we fell asleep! AMAZING! So...I got about maybe 3-4 hours sleep, and I got a date to go to tonight, so another long night! Fun! It's a dance, so I hope it'll be ok.
So this morning after breakfast we went at took over Natsu nii's computer and watched random videos. I'll put a couple up that we watched....then maybe something else, who knows! You should all know me by now if you actually read what I type, but I must apologize. Today I have been very lame, sorry...I'll make up for it later...maybe....
Soooooooo anyway, Cookies!
Annnnnnnd..... -air drums-
Natsu nii's amazing she always finds the funniest videos to show people!
AND NOW!!!!!!! THE VIDEO YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! THE ONE TO COMPLETELY MELT YOU BRAIN! Knuckles and his wonderful singing amazingness.
So...as you should've already noticed I haven't drawn much of anything lately that I can put up. It's all in my journal, or seminary notebook. -_-' I'll scan those eventually when I can bring them home, but anyway! I've been in a slight little block so I would like you guys to help me.
Personally I like funny/exciting pictures, but I'll to romantic, sad, angry/depressing (if I can pull angry/depressing off) random...also any character is fine...I would just really like something to get my mind stirring again.
Thank you all who'll comment! (if any of you actually read this -.-)
Now for random movie time! ONE PIECE: DJANGO'S DANCE CARNIVAL!
Well as you can tell by the title I was tagged by uzumaki859. So, here we go!
-You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
-Tag five people after wards.
-Leave a message on their page telling them they're tagged.
1. Perfect? *snort* =X are you crazy!?
2. Tall?: For my age group...slightly I would say
3. In your pajamas?: I was....until a couple hours ago. My marioness in on my bed right now!
4. Left handed?: no but I wish!
1. Friend you saw: Oh a lot of them but to pick one Natsu nii! X3
2. Talked to on the phone: My dad
3. Person to text you: XP wish I had a phone.
4. Was today better than yesterday? hmmm...no, yesterday ROCKED! XD
1. Number: 3
2. Color(s): Red, blue, and purple
3. Fruit: orange
4. Place: my bed X3
1. Are you missing someone right now? not really
2. Are you happy? sure!
3. Are you sad? No
4. Are you bored? yes
6. Are you nervous? wouldn't say so
8. Are you tired? Definantly
1. Eating? Nothing!
2. Drinking? nada
3. I'm about to: watch Kare Kano
4. Listening to? brothers talking upstairs
5. Plans for today? fry my brains on the internet
1. Drank bubbles? yew yes
2. Lost glasses/contacts? Ha yes
3. Ran away from home? NOOOOOOOOO WAY!!!!
4. Broken someone's heart? I hope not!
5. Been arrested? never. -.-
1. Miracles? YES!
2. Yourself? Most the time
3. Heaven? OF COURSE!
4. Santa Claus? Definantly (in a way yes)
4. Love? sure?
5. Do you like someone? Plenty of people! But...not more than a friend no.
6. Do you believe in God? So very much yes.
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Of course who do you think I am?
Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: rolled over and went back to sleep.
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: I did, but that's over with now.
Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Kung foo panda.
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: My friends house for an AWESOME party. XD
Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: I would say YES! Not always a happy smile though >=D
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: maybe....
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: I've been told yes, but I'm freaky scary when I get mad.
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: In my AWESOMENESS of beds, duh.
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: Umm......about a month or 2 ago?
Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: That my Oc Paul is very strange.
Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 7ish...i think
Q: What do you hear right now?
A: bros talking and the toliet flushing.
Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: My head from where I banged it into a pole yesterday.
Q: What's your favorite month?
A: April Mayish
Q: What did you do last night?
A: Hang out with my amazing friends
Well, now it's time to tag people! Ok! I tag Natsu nii, kakashifan17, Pantalaimon1467, and....and....who ever else feels like doing this!
Now for my regular YOUTUBE TIME!!!!!!!!!! WOoT!!!
Now time for the TOCO BELL FAST FOOD FOLK SONG! This drive through guy is amazing. O_o he gets the order almost completely right!
And also music! Well all love music don't we?
Here's Do you remember by Jean Sean with Lil Jon.
Ok, yes I understand that when you put art up online there are going to be people who don't like it. I also understand that you're going to get critisim on your art. But what I don't get is why some people have to go out of their way to type a comment on your art just to say it sucks and more. It really just doesn't click on my head! It must just be me though. If I don't like something I keep my mouth shut, and forget about it in a few minutes. I can take critisim if it's to help me get better, but if someone just says my art sucks and they don't like it and I should stop drawing because I have no hope that's when I lose it. I had more than one or two times that happened, that's why I left Sheezyart! So a warning to all of you! Sheezyart is worse than Deviantart on jerks and critices. Really you may not believe me, but it's true. So please don't go through the same as me and almost kill your computer. Don't go to Sheezyart unless you want people to cuss out your art for no reason.
Phew, I feel better now. Sorry for putting you all through that. Now for the youtube video! I'm WAY excite for the movie Hetalia Axis Powers: Paint it, White to come out! So you're getting the preview for it! HETALIA GOODNESS!
You're also getting a ultimate naruto fanflash! #3!