
So, I just realized that all of my links were crap, so I just fixed them, and CHECKED them and they all work now! Sorry if you thought I just put the links there to just mess with you all, 'cause I didn't! Sorry!

Well, anyway I guess I should type something that might entertain you. So the other day (yesterday) I hit my snooze button on my alarm clock for the fouth time and looked at the clock. It said 7 (but my clock is 10 min fast so it was only 6:50) and the first thought that came to mind was 'Oh, I was thinking about Canadian money.' Well, that thought got my body moving and I basically flew out of bed. I have no idea why, but...yeah I'm still trying to figure it out. Sadly I have more Canadian money than I do American, and I live in America! ...So, there's my story for today. My little bro wants to get on soon.

So! Here's a couple movies for you! They both have the same song, but I love them both! I just wish I could read what they're saying. The song is Popipo...I think if I'm remembering correctly.

I hesitate putting this one on, but....you'll see why. A friend on DA put the link up on one of her submissions hence how I saw it. I still think it's hilarious other than one part...please don't judge me! You HAVE to see like the last ten seconds. They're the best.
