What ticks me off.

Sorry, I'm in a kinda bad mood at the moment, and I just need to rant. I'm tired, dirty, and my day still isn't over. So if you don't want to read a bit a ranting please stop now. (Hey, I can still me nice while angry!)

So, what ticks me off. You know those people that go around and leave comments on picture about everything wrong about it? So, you look at the picture and you can see a couple things that are off with what they said, but it doesn't really take away from the picture. So you go to the person's profile that was critisizing, yes critisizing not critiquing, you work and you learn that they don't draw better than you. In fact they are really a lot worse than you. So you sit there and go, "Why the crap are they giving all this critisizing when they can't draw as well as me?" Then you get in a bad mood because you were just trolled and you had a long day to begin with. Ooooooh just ticks me off! I don't think people to critisize when they can't do as they preach. Critiquing is fine because people are trying to bring you up and make you better and they usually say everything in a nice way. Oh gosh, I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rage:

*sigh* Oh, that felt much better. Sorry about that guys. I didn't want to get all mean and out of character on you all, but I had to say it. I really do hate people that freakin' troll your art and can't draw how they say you should. It really frickin' ticks me off. Now on a happier note.....I don't have a happier note at the moment....wait....I just drank some grapefruit juice! Man, I love the stuff!

