Office Space

*RPer’s Note: Remember, Suisenro is a noble, so while the office may actually not be that bad/neglected, to him it’s a disaster area. Also, I’m sure Hisagi has done an exceptional job running the division alone, considering.

Attempt One

I had no idea what to expect before walking into the captain's office of Division Nine. Only that I was not expecting dust and cobwebs.

Even as I opened the doors, the hinges squeaked and the wood was stiff. Carrying only a small box of my personal things, I peeked in.

It was a nightmare.

I gasped at the scene. There was at least an inch of dust covering everything. Spiders crawled slowly along their webs in the corners. The shades were drawn, casting the office in total darkness. The top of the desk was piled high with unfinished paperwork. I was almost afraid to step inside. In fact, my head was barely through the threshold as I physically cringed as I smelled the stale air.

I pulled my head back and took a deep breath of fresh air outside before going back in and placing one foot on the floorboards inside the office. The wooden floor creaked and groaned and a draft from somewhere disturbed the shades. My eyes zeroed in on something moving in the corner.

I lost all courage and took off down the hallway, back to my quarters, my hair and robes trailing behind me.


Attempt Two

Twenty minutes later, I had gained the courage and resolve to do two things: one to do an extensive cleaning of the office, and next to go back to my room for my personal items and “set up shop.“

I had asked a group of shinigami where the cleaning supplies where. They politely gave me directions, however they also gave me a strange look as if wondering why a child would be willing to clean.

It was not as if I wished to clean it. However, it was my office and I was now responsible for it. There were no maids or ladies in waiting to take care of the mundane tasks for me. I had to become a grown up and responsible adult. So I cleaned the office myself.

In the end, an hour later, the office was sparkling. The dust was gone, as well as the spiders and their abodes in the corners. The furniture was clean and bright. The shades and windows were open; the air was fresh and sweet smelling with some poppies, daffodils, and roses I had placed on the tables. The books on the shelves showed their spines proudly, and the files that had littered the desk were now in nice, neat stacks, ready for when I decided to start on them.

I, however, was a mess. My hair was disheveled and my clothes smelled like cleaning solvents. Not to mention I had dust and dirt all over them. One look at myself and I retreated back to my quarters after putting away the cleaning supplies to shower and wash my clothes.

After I myself was clean once again, I picked up my box again and back to the office I went.

Since the color of the Ninth was a golden tan, I had brought some throw blankets for the couches. For two of the walls were two small tapestries with my clan’s crest on it. For the desk chair was a pillow seat. A picture of my parents and another of my two sisters sat on the desk top, as well as a small figurine of Raiden that Suirenko had made for me. And, finally, on the outside of the door hung a sign that brightly said, “Good Morning Everyone~!”

It was not much, but it did brighten up the previously dim and dark room that the office had been. Now, it was bright and welcoming. Stepping back to admire my work proudly, I sighed and smiled. After my moment of triumph, I walked over to the desk and proceeded to try and create a dent in the stacks of paperwork.

Of course, I fell asleep, and, of course, Raiden popped out to yell at me to wake up and finish my work.

All in a day’s work, I suppose.
