Okay. This made it much easier. MewChero, KeyBladeMewKasa, Mew Cinnamon, and I had made a group called the New Mew Generation to add on to the groups Elite Mews and Mew Mew Rebirth. Note: We have nothing against these groups. We're simply adding on.
Here is the curret status of our members:
President: MewChero (Her mew: Chero)
Consult her to any information on joining and her and I will discuss on the situation.
Vice President: Me, MewMelon (My mew: Melon and Malachi)
Chero and I disscuss all the Updates to the club and we mainly are the ones to hold contests for entry to the club.
Secretary: KeyBladeMewKasa (Her mew: Kasa)
Treasurer: Mew Cinnamon (Her mew: Tsukiko)
Our newest member (although the contest was a long time ago): Ookamirox
We are currently continuing to hold a contest for the next member. What you have to know to enter:
Mew Malachi needs a new outfit. You have to remain to the typical mew look (the one leg band showing, the two showing armbands, and the collar with the pendant) and keep the animal. An american mastiff. When we get enough entries I will let you kno the deadline. Keep in touch on the website for updates.