Well this is my only world, and I have no idea if people will like it or not.
I'll be putting probably lots of yu-gi-oh cards here that i made.
Also, if you have time, it would be nice if you would visit my mini city that I made. Every time someone visits, the town grows a little. Here's the link http://pnin.myminicity.com/

Demotivational poster

I've never made one of these until now. Hope you like it.

I made some more cards

We got a new computer today so I could make some more cards. Yipee.

No posts

You probably havn't noticed but I havn't been posting. That's cause my computers messed up and it's hard to use my mom's laptop. And I won't be doing many more posts either.

Mermaidman and Barnacle Boy

Have you ever wondered what Mermaidman and Barnacle Boy are? I mean they look human but they're the size of a squirrel! They have super powers so that explains why they can breathe underwater but still, normal humans aren't that small in that show.

Naruto Yu-gi-oh Cards

I made Naruto yu-gi-oh cards before but i didn't save them so here are the new ones.