
Shikamaru was sitting on the hill with his back on a tree watching the clouds.While he was watching the clouds he thinking about ino.He was thinking about how much he loves her and how pretty she is.Then he heard a loud ,perky voice and he knew it was ino.While ino was coming up the hill to see what shikamru was doing like she dosen't alredyb lnow but she needed to tell shikamaru that she loves.So she stood on the top
of the hill and looked where the tree was and she saw shikamaru.She went up to him and bent in front of him and said hi shika-kun.Then shikamaru looked at ino and said hi,while saying hi to ino he was thinking how preety is when she smileing.Shikamaru didn't know he was stareing at ino until ino said why are you stareing at me.The shikamaru said sorry and ino said its ok.Then she sat next to him.both of shikamaru and ino was thinking I need to tell her/him I love her/him.Then both of them said i need to tel you someting at the same time.Then shikamaru said I will go first and ino said ok.Then shikamaru sighed and said Ino I Love you very much.Then ino stared crying while smiling and said I Love You too then hug him.Then shikamaru huged her back.Then for the rest of the day they just sat in each others arms.

The end
