Fire and Water and...Bodybags??

Title = inside joke with Ryuchu (ferdie-chan may understand this too ^^)

Anyway, this weekend is the BUSIEST so far this year. Want to hear about it? =3

FRIDAY (I consider this to be part of the weekend ^^)
1. I have a dance show lasting from 8:22 to 2:31 (the times aren't's just second period of the school day to seventh period). Basically, in our dance classes, we learn like 3 or 4 dances as a whole class and then you can choose to coreograph you own solo/duet/small group dances. So, including my own duet with my friend, I am in 5 dances (I'm going to be exhausted =|). My dance is called Fire and Water so that should give you an idea to the title XD

2. Madrigal Practice!! Ryu and Ferdie-chan dragged me off to join it at the last's sort of like a dinner show (I don't really know what it is actually...Ryuchu can tell you ^^) Anyways, I'm just serving the food to the guests who come and then I get to sing Joy to the World and the first verse of Silent Night. So the rehearsel is until 5:30 for servers (thank god...the normal singers/actors/instrument players get to stay until 10:00 *points at Ryu and Ferdie and laughs hysterically* just kidding =P)

1. 12:00 - 2:00 is when I volunteer for the hospital. I work in the Medical/Surgical Dept. but I don't actually get to see the doctors do their stuff =(
Volunteers aren't allowed so I basically I help the patients with what they need (water, blankets, pillows, gowns, small snacks if they're allowed to have them) and then answer calls (like if a doctor wants to talk to a nurse I transfer them). 'Tis fun ^^ Plus I get community hours =D

2. Madrigal Dinner!! Servers have to be there from 5:00 to whenever dinner ends which I'm guessing to be about 8:00 (maybe...?). My costume is going to be black skirt, black shirt, and black shoes with hair tied back...of course, I don't get the cool costumes that the singers and the actors have =(

1. 8:00 - 2:00 ish I have a religious festival at the temple. I can't really describe this without leaving everyone confused so let's just leave it at that.

2. 5:00 - 8:00 ish is the Madrigal Dinner again

3. 9:00 - ?!? is homework time!! I have a rough draft of an essay due on Tuesday in Biology, an anatomy nervous system worksheet packet (I have to do like 8 pages), and then I have to read King Lear for English and then answer questions about the reading (thank god I have the reading done)

I'm going to be soooo dead on Monday...

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Sorry if this is really long...I wanted to vent. If you didn't have time to read this (I can relate ^^) just wish me luck -_-'
