Title Changed

I'm gonna be honest here and say its an "attention grabbing title"

according to my Psychology book, reverse psychology works this way, so why not use it selfishly, really?

It is 4:30am now, and I'm still awake. What the heck?!
While I was awake earlier today, I managed to take an IQ test and get past all of the spam and everything to actually get my score (I'd say that should add to my score, personally). I had trouble getting to the freaking answer after I had finished the quiz itself (which wasn't easy at all).

According to it, I have an IQ of 147... Excuse me, but DANG! average IQ is 100
I should have used it in high school =_=;

oh well, the accuracy of those things are questionable anyway. According to another one, I'm a drug addict and only 20% gay LOL

I'm going to go to sleep before I hurt myself... It's been a long time of doing nothing.
