An Introduction

This is just an introduction with some basic facts off me.

- I'm 22, I'll turn 23 on february 23th (I can't wait)
- I have 4 half-sisters and 4 half-brothers (one of them is darKatana and all of them is younger than me, alot younger...)

- FavMusic: RHCP, Live, Metallica +++
- FavTvSeries: Bones, Grey's Anatomy, Numbers, Criminal Minds, NCIS +++
- FavMovies: LOTR, Star Wars, POTC, Indiana Jones, 10TIHAY, Planet Terror +++
- FavActors: Johnny Depp, Alan Richman, Gary Oldman, Angelina Jolie +++
- FavDirectors: Quentin Tarantino, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg
- FavBooks: WOT, LOTR, Sagaen om Isfolket, Angels and Deamons

I love music, movies, tv, books, writing, PS2 and computer games. In other words, I love just about anything I can do from my couch

My good qualitys: I'm kind, tolerant and just (at least most of the time)
My bad qualitys: I'm lacy, temperamental and unsocial
