This is sort of a test post to see how things go. I still prefer the old my0, but the New "World" is sort of interesting. Obsessions in Candyland is fitting because I simply have an obsession with L. I will be posting links to fanfictions here, pictures, and whatever else I feel the need to post here that involves L and some of my other obsessions. :) Mostly L, though. He is my current one.
So I'll lay some basics down at the moment:
Name: Ky-chan will do.
Age: 18.
Gender: Female.
Location: L's baggy jeans, oh yes.
Occupation: Love-struck cyberwhore.
Status: Married to L. Mhmm.
There aren't very many things else you should know at this point. I'm fairly spastic, randomtastic, and once I've got an obsession it is truly such that. I cannot get it out of my mind. All day every day until I satiate myself and exhausted every venue I can, I'll stay like this. So please try to bear with it and take it good-naturally. ;D Ummmmmm. Hmm. Anything else? I don't think so. So off I go to read some more LxLight Doujin and Fanficcy goodness. ;D