Okay, so the title has nothing to do with the actual post, it was just an inside joke, but still, I thought it sounded cool. XD I think it's about time for another post. *says in a British accent* I've been feeling weird lately. Like talk-in-a-British-accent-and-speak-all-funny kind of weird. That and I haven't been in a good enough mood to talk to my sister. Which is weird, cause I like to bug her a lot. XD
Sooo... Lets see... Oh! Mi madre said I could watch Stellvia, an anime DVD that I got for my birthday!! XD So, yesss! That's two!! Ahaha!! Fullmetal and Stellvia!! And I think she might, might let me go to the convention. I don't know about cosplaying, but... *shrugs* Just as long as I can go and see Vic. XD
So, I started working on a manga that I had done a loooong time ago, and I've come back with a new style that lets me be more creative, which is good. But I've realized something. I S-U-C-K suck at coloring. :3 I don't know about you guys, but crayola colored pencils are just not my dig. But I am trying.
So I was playing Fire Emblem the other day, an amazing game, and I got to chapter 17 from chapter 13 in one weekend, which is good for me, cause I hate it when my people die and so I start over. My favorite has to be Mordecai because he has like 50 something health and like eighty bajillion defense, so he's like, invincible. XD
Anyways... Hmm... I was looking up stuff for a history project and it was on the National Archives, so I clicked on the Magna Carta link on Wikipedia. And I looked at the disambiguation [Awesome word!! XD]. There was some Korean game that looked cool called Magna Carta. Anyone heard of it? The main character looked cool. I think his name was Calintz. Lookie, it's him!!
Which is a weird name, but what the heck, they're Korean. XD *is American and knows nothing of Korean names, but has done a project on both Koreas for history* XD
Have I ever mentioned to you how I hate history? I think it's so freaking boring...
Well, I best go work on my project and stuffs. ^^ Later taters.