Mai Wick

name- Mai Wick

age- 19

gender- female

height- 5’2”

weight- 118 lbs

appearance- burnet hair that goes down to her mid back with bangs that are some what in her hazel eyes her hair is usually pulled back in some way. She has a fair skin tone and is small and thin looking. She normally wears just a pair of jeans and a normal plain blue and white three quarter sleeve shirt with black socks and blue and grey shoes.

personality: She’s shy at first but once you get to know her she’s friendly and kind, but is still pretty quiet when she talks. (Develop her personality more later on.)

background: Mai has grown up moving from town to town with her family and has not made really any friends, she’s hoping now that her family is in a new town that they will be staying for a while and that she will be able to make some new friends, if she can ever get past her shyness. Something that she doesn’t usually tell everyone that she has a little secret that you have to become friends with her to find out.

likes- writing stories, yu-gi-oh (dueling), snowboarding

dislikes- mean people, (more later because I can think of anything)

Extra info(optional):
food- bread

drink- Raspberry Lemonade

activity- writing, dueling, snowboarding

manga/anime- Bleach, Naruto, yu-gi-oh (series)