Leon Smit

Name: Leon Smit

Nickname(s): Le, two tone

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: January 31st

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 155lbs

Eye color: Purple/ lavender

Hair color/length/style: Right half black left half white short mediumish that is messy and bangs frame his face.

Skin Tone: pale peach

Appearance: He tends to wear a lot of baggy clothes so no one can see his muscles, but he does have a fairly toned body under all the clothes and is embarrassed when someone catches him with his shirt off.

Outfit: Light blue grey baggy sweater with a pale blue skull and cross bones and stars scattered on the sweater, a white tank top under the sweater.

Personality: He doesn’t give a damn what other’s think of him and doesn’t have a clue what a fashion since is. He wears what’s comfortable to him and that’s what matters. He has the attitude of don’t just a book by its cover. Leon is happy most of the time, determined, optimistic, funny from time to time and out going. If he has to do something to protect his friends he’ll do it.

Bio: will figure out later