I dunno if a Gijinka counts as an original creation, but the design and guy is mine at least so I decided to finally contribute to Zero's world once again :3
Name: Mathyus (Math-eye-iss)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 124 lbs
Hair Color: White with light blue at the ends
Eye Color: Orange
Skin Color: Pale White
Personality: Quiet and timid, but always happily or warily willing to do anything he is told to do
Story: Told he was ugly and a homeless outcast as a young child, Mathyus was taken in by a Luxray gijinka and raised as a slave who everyday is told there is no better life than the one he's living... And because of that he loves his "master" to death
Other: He enjoys cleaning and singing to his master. There is a shell imbedded into his chest from birth.
DDD'X AWW I love his poor ikkle boy! *huggles*
Just to put down his little story and profile since I'm totally in love with him right now *W*