This WORLD features all official updates from our network.

Cupcakes Invading?


I'm a little freaked out by this...

First, pink frosted cupcakes have been appearing randomly next to member names in the comments window.

Now, they seem to appear next to everyone's name on PMs. Why?

The last straw: I was looking through various server files on the network and lo and behold, this page.

What is going on??

Caption Battle: Say It, Don't Spray It

"It's that time again..." "To call the guests' names?" "To call the guests names?" "No, it's time for this week's caption battle!" But first, ...

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myOtaku Integration Improvements

It's taken a lot longer for us to properly link to people's myOtaku pages than I would have liked. Here's what we added tonight.

  • MyOtaku Right Menu Links: If you have an active myOtaku account it's not linked in your right menu
  • MyOtaku Portfolio Link: If a member has an active myOtaku account it's linked on their portfolio page
  • MyOtaku Updates: If someone you've subscribed to updates their myOtaku page it's now linked in your backroom
  • MyOtaku PM Notifications: There are PM notifications in your myOtaku backroom now

That's all for now--

Happy Mother's Day From theOtaku!

Moms are important. Why not commemorate this day by sending your mom a fandom-inspired card? Now, a question for you: Who's your favorite mom in fandom and why? My personal choice: Chrono's mom from the SNES video game Chrono Trigger. What about you?

Comment Deletion Improvement

You can now delete all comments made on works you create on our network. Additionally, your comments can now be deleted by no funny business, you hear?