This WORLD features all official updates from our network. Anime Podcast IX - Ep. 4

I am totally down for a podcast cross-post. Adam is probably too busy to care either way. So there ya go. Just say when, and it shall be done!

Music - Calendula Requiem by Kanon x Kanon from Shiki

The following podcast may contain some coarse language that may offend some listeners. Discretion is advised.

For a link to Anime Pulse's World, go here.
For a link to The Watercooler World, go here.

And finally, you can find Ichigo's travel log over at the Anime Pulse website (under the "features" tab). He's gettin' some crazy adventures over there. Go read. Right after the podcast.

Obligatory Instructions:

There are two ways to keep up with this podcast. First, you can just visit us weekly and listen to it by clicking the "play" button in each podcast news post. Second, if you use iTunes, simply open it up and then click here. This will subscribe you. You can also click "Advanced" at the top, select "Subscribe to Podcast" and type in the following URL:

Once subscribed, you'll get each week's episode automatically delivered, whether you visit us or not.

So let's start! To listen to our podcast, click the play button above. You can also download the mp3 directly by clicking here.

Caption Battle: Boom, Headshot...

"It's that time again..."
"To lament the absence of our two front teeth?"
"To figure out what the hell a jingle horse is?"
"No... it's time for this week's caption battle!"

But first, last week's winners:

In third place with a rather fitting repeat from a different series: TimeChaser!

To steal a line from Doctor Who: "She's engaged, you prawn."

In second place, with a ridiculously fitting punning of internet-speech: divisionten!

Well, this certainly brings a refreshing new meaning to the word prOn.

And in the coveted first place, with an amazing caption I actually googled for veracity and in turn was doubly amused... KeenHavoc!

This is exactly why none of these things are Kosher.

Squid isn't kosher. And now I've learned something. Moving on!

This week's screencap comes courtesy of Blond Loup and features the series Lucky Star. The guy is Minoru Shiraishi, the girl is Akira Kogami. Get to it:

You know the drill: type up the funniest, wittiest, most original caption you can think of for the screencap above in the comments below. Also, if any of you would like some tips on writing a great caption, you can find those here.

And like always, theOtaku is open to all submissions and suggestions for weekly feature content. You have a screencap you want used, you can PM me and we can do somethin' about it. So good luck, and remember: never trust a Cultist of Romulus.

December Member Promotions

It's time for member promotions once again. So congratulations to everyone who was promoted. Keep up the good work! Otaku Legend Air-Dragon...

Read the full post » Anime Podcast IX - Ep. 3

I still need to see Wicked... and Ichigo needs to hunt down a friend with a PS3 and familiarize himself with the Uncharted games. Just sayin'. My opinion, I know I don't have a microphone... but I post the funny bits before the music line, so yeah.

Music - Irony by Claris from Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai

The following podcast may contain some coarse language that may offend some listeners. Discretion is advised.

For a link to Anime Pulse's World, go here.
For a link to The Watercooler World, go here.

And finally, you can find Ichigo's travel log over at the Anime Pulse website (under the "features" tab). He's gettin' some crazy adventures over there. Go read. Right after the podcast.

Obligatory Instructions:

There are two ways to keep up with this podcast. First, you can just visit us weekly and listen to it by clicking the "play" button in each podcast news post. Second, if you use iTunes, simply open it up and then click here. This will subscribe you. You can also click "Advanced" at the top, select "Subscribe to Podcast" and type in the following URL:

Once subscribed, you'll get each week's episode automatically delivered, whether you visit us or not.

So let's start! To listen to our podcast, click the play button above. You can also download the mp3 directly by clicking here.

Caption Battle: Who Doesn't Love Shrimp?

"It's that time again..."
"To spawn more overlords?"
"To construct additional pylons?"
"No... it's time for this week's caption battle!

But first, last week's winners:

In third place because right now I have a total hate-on for big screen adaptations: thedragonlordd!

Spike is making a pick-me-up to counter that hang-over he got from all the drinking he did after finding out Keanu Reeves is playing him in the live-action movie.

In second place because the caption kicked off with an epic pun: wuzzle320!

Cigar-egges! Newest hang-over cure from Pfizer.
~May cause dizziness, blurred vision, loss of inhibitions and vomiting. Do not take while driving or operating heavy machinery...

And in the coveted first place with a rare and refreshing in-universe caption... Ace!

Cigarette and Egg White Casserole: Because when you complain about Jet's cooking, Ed gets to be chef for the rest of the week.

Also need to give Ace and pedegg props for paying tribute to an amazing comedian who left us far too soon. Just sayin'...

This week's screencap comes courtesy of Desbrekzio Auditore Da Moe'nze, and features the series Squid Girl. Blue-tentacled girl is Squid Girl, girl in the shrimp suit is Sanae, and the girl in the foreground is Eiko. You know the rest:

You know the drill: type up the funniest, wittiest, most original caption you can think of for the screencap above in the comments below. Also, if any of you would like some tips on writing a great caption, you can find those here.

And like always, theOtaku is open to all submissions and suggestions for weekly feature content. You have a screencap you want used, you can PM me and we can do somethin' about it. So good luck, and remember: you never want to be the recipient of terrible, terrible damage.