Caption Battle: You'll Laugh About This Later...

"It's that time again..."
"To wait for the podcast to get recorded later today?"
"To realize the podcast was already recorded yesterday?"
"No... it's time for this week's caption battle!"

But first, last week's winners:

In third place, with out-of-context winning out: fallenangel8!

It makes sense if you listen to the podcast.

In second place, because China is always funny: waywardwarrior!

Dear diary,
At first, I was afraid. I was petrified... Then, the large, misshapen foot stepped on somebody else.

And in the coveted first place, because ragging on China is always funny... KeenHavoc!

These 3 astronomical figures are the product of China's 2 greatest resources:
Cheap labor and uncopyrighted but familiar looking characters.

Booyah. This was an excellent week. Thank you, all. But let's move on, I'm already running too late as is...

This week's screenshot comes courtesy of our favourite Kimmeh (whose first name is not "Teh", you fools!), and features the series Trigun. Characters from left to right are: Milly Thompson, Meryl Stryfe, and Johnny Yong Bosch. Go for it!

You know the drill: type up the funniest, wittiest, most original caption you can think of for the screencap above in the comments below. Also, if any of you would like some tips on writing a great caption, you can find those here.

And like always, theOtaku is open to all submissions and suggestions for weekly feature content. You have a screencap you want used, you can PM me and we can do somethin' about it. So good luck, and remember: if you're on certain types of BC pills, it's not abnormal to have a slightly irregular cycle.
