Ghost Hunt Contest Winners

It's time to announce the winners for the Ghost Hunt DVD Giveaway contest. After carefully reviewing all of the entries, the winners are as follows.

First Place: Ace


Alright, I think I'll go ahead and give it a shot here.

The year was 1999. I was eight and I had just discovered the magic of anime through Fox's now defunct yet previously awesome lineup. I lived for the weekend for one simple reason: Digimon.

You 90's children might remember it, and depending on how much TV you had access to, it was either the best thing ever or an uninteresting Pokemon ripoff. In my mind, it was the greatest show I had ever or would ever encounter. I'd daydream about it all week and every Saturday I'd be in front of the tube, sharper than a caffeinated prairie dog, ready to discover the further adventures of the Digidestined. Of course, that's not to say I never had my problems with it.

Being 8 at the time, I had some major issues with anything remotely frightening. As we all know, one thing you could never fault Digimon for was its villains. My most memorable encounter with these fellas was the Dark Master arc, namely Machinedramon. Picture, if you can, a ten foot tall mechanical tyrannosaur with a mouth resembling a particularly painful bear trap and a missile launcher. Now imagine being eight years old and watching this thing repeatedly thrash the people you look up to more than even your own parents. Factor in the fact that 8 year olds don't exactly have the greatest idea of reality vs. fiction and you can go ahead and guess how I felt about this fella.

One night, I got tired of my bed and decided to sleep on the couch. My parents allowed it, since I was young and it didn't happen all that often. They went to bed, and I decided to lie down for the evening.

Then I hear something breathing.

It wasn't just any kind of breathing, either. It was disturbingly steady. As if it were the function of a machine. It didn't take long at all for my mind to wander back to you-know-who, who, may I add, was barely defeated in-universe by one of the most powerful heroes on the show. Me without my own digimon, I was pretty certain I didn't have a chance. I spent half the night lying on the couch in a cold sweat, waiting for whatever- or whoever- it was to make its move.

Turns out it was just the refrigerator. Ain't that a kick in the head?

Second Place: JingleStansChibi


I was leant Sukisyo by my friend, and decided to finally sit down and watch it with my older sister. All I knew was that it was a pretty calmed shounen-ai, so i wasn't that paranoid about watching it in the living room. After about an hour of sitting and watching it, my mom walked in and sat down. I was screaming in my mind, hoping she'd kindof...leave... but asking her to leave would well... make her suspicious so i kept my mouth shut and hoped she believed the one person was a girl.
She did until it showed the two sleeping in the same bed and, startled, they jumped up. the fact the one guy covered his chest made me convinced mom thought they were all straight...until my sister screams "HAHAHA HE COVERS HIS CHEST LIKE A CHICK!" knows im watching a gay anime now... It could be worse but I was paranoid of what she thought of me a bit. (I always took pride in my modesty in that area). Not much later. A sex scene. between two guys. it got really close to showing their junk and everything. she just...looked at me then looked back at the Tv and got up and walked away...

ahhh I can't say scary in the normal sence...but it really made my chest tighten up in fear of my moms reaction. She seemed to be more curious in what i was watching after that :.D

Congratulations you two and thank you to everyone who took the time to be a part of the contest. Also, if you haven't done so yet, don't forget to check out Ghost Hunt at the official site.
