Celebrity Chat With Richard Epcar

As many of you already know Richard Epcar was invited to a chat session with the members of theOtaku. It was a wonderful success with around twenty six members in attendance.

However, for those of you who were unable to make it to the chat we saved it so you wouldn't miss out on the fun.

Adam: ok, everyone, Richard Epcar (tallactor) has arrived
LazieNinjaFrog: XD
Michiyo Shimizu: yay! :3
Adam: the chat will now go into moderation mode
Katana: Hehe, tallactor
Katana: Niiiice
7thEvaChild: AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Sangome: lulz
jomz: hurray
Driffter: . . .
Adam: Beth--activate
ThePockyGirl: Okay!
Sangome: Tallactor
LazieNinjaFrog: XD
7thEvaChild: WOOHOO

This room is moderated by SunfallE. All messages are forwarded to the moderator for review.

Adam: Thank you all and thank you Mr. Epcar for joining us today. The process will be simple, when Richard says 'next' everyone type a question and Beth will make one go through at a time
Adam: so let's start with our first question
Adam: as you know Richard is a legendary voice actor with credits including Ghost in the Shell, Bo-bo-bo, Kenshin and on and on :)

jomz: Which show did you had most fun voice acting in?

tallactor: Well they were all a lot of fun. I enjoy the shows I direct the most because I'm the most fun to work with as a director. Bobobobobo was a lot of fun. But I really enjoyed doing Lupin the Third. We had a kick ass cast and we all had a lot of fun.
tallactor: next

the real yojimbo: Hi, first time caller, long time listener. I was wondering what the atmosphere was like during your time with the BoBoBo show. Given the nature of the script, was the working environment more relaxed?

tallactor: Actually it was one of the toughest shows I ever had to do. There was a lot of screaming and we worked long hours. It was fun, but it was a lot of work too. I actually turned the job down 4 times before I finally agreed to do it.
tallactor: next

fallenangel8: First I would like to say I love you and what do you like better directing or voice acting?

tallactor: I love you too. I enjoy them both. They both come from the same place. When you act--you only have control over your performance, but when you direct, you have control over the total project.
tallactor: next

7thEvaChild: QUESTION: when you played Batou on Ghost in the Shell, how much into the character were you? And what about the other voice actors? Did u necessarily enjoy the theme for that show? (sorry for the multiple questions, i just love the show and Batou is one of my top favorite characters)

tallactor: Thank you-Batou is one of my favorite characters too. I really love playing him. I am very into the part when I'm recording. I really enjoyed doing GiTS 2 when I got to write and direct the show because I got to do Batou the way I wanted to do him.
tallactor: next

Tai-dyed: Does having a voice acting background help when you want to be a voice director on a game or series?

tallactor: I think it helps very much. I know as an actor the kind of director I want--so I can be that director for the actors. I think it's vey important to know how to communicate with the actor.
tallactor: next

ThePockyGirl: How do you prepare for your roles?

tallactor: Hi Pockygirl--are you chocolate coated? Sorry-I prepare by warming up my voice--you usually don't see the script until you're in the booth. You have to go by your gut--and totally submerge yourself while you're performing your part.
tallactor: nex

LazieNinjaFrog: I read that you were on clean sweep, was that a fun experiance?

tallactor: That was a lot of fun and people recognize me more from that show than just about anything else I've done. The important thing is that they got my office cleaned out and re-did our bedroom!
tallactor: next

Adam: I'm going to steal away the next question

tallactor: fine be that way
tallactor: well go ahead...

Adam: you're voicing The Joker in the new MK vs. DC game, with three jokers with such followings: Hamill, Ledger, and Nicholson, how did you approach that?

tallactor: I did the joker with my own approach. I didn't try to impersonate anyone else's joker. That was the most fun vo I've ever done. I really enjoyed that and D.C. comics and Warner Bros. told me that they loved what I did and knew immediately that I was it. That made me feel great! It is so fun to play a recognizable character like that. Most fun I had with my clothes on.
tallactor: next

Sangome: Okay, first, I give the highest props to you for voicing Ziggy in the Xenosaga video games, my abso-freakin-lutely favorite video game series ever. Now for the question: would you cosplay any character you've done a voice for? And with or without being paid?

tallactor: Sure why not. I would dress up as Jigen or Batou. Thanks for loving Ziggy--he is also one of my favs.
tallactor: next

Driffter: Do you ever get flamed for voice acting in a dubbed anime? Like do people ever start bad mouthing you because they think that the Japanese voice acting is better and because they are prejudice against the English dubs?

tallactor: There are people who love the Japanese better and to those people I say--watch it in Japanese. But I honestly think that on some of these titles, we do a much better job.
tallactor: next

fallenangel8: Alot of voice actors and very active about getting fans not to download fansubs what is you view on it?

tallactor: Well, aside from the fact that it is illegal, I understand that fans want to do this, but it does adversely affect professional voice actors.
tallactor: next

SabrinaM: Question: What type of advice would you give to anyone who is interested in becoming a voice actor?

tallactor: Train as an actor and as a voice actor. Train with people who know what they are doing and that are legit. Then make a voice demo and send it to everyone, agents, casting people, and audition for anything you can. Go out and meet people who do this sort of work and get the word out. When you do get a chance to audition, go in, be polite, be professional, do your best and get out. If you do all that, and you have talent, you will eventually get some work.
tallactor: next

Raina: With GitS 2, I believe you worked with your wife as well. How was that and would you like to work with her again?

tallactor: She a wonderfully talented actress-and we work together all the time. We have a company together.
tallactor: next

Katana: Boxers or briefs?

Adam: @_@ how did that one slip in

tallactor: wtf?

SunfallE >_> Uh... oops?

tallactor: briefs--my boys need a house
tallactor: next

jomz: Question: what got you into voice acting anime?

tallactor: It all started with this film that Ellyn-my wife-and I auditioned for-I got the lead and then I just started to do a lot of voice work. My real first anime was working on Robotech. I played Ben Dixon-Lunk and Griel
tallactor: next

SunfallE In the tradition of Adam, I'm going to steal this next one. ^_~

SunfallE You’re a lot of people’s favorite voice actor, but who are your favorite voice actors?

tallactor: We just did a new one called, Shadow Chronicles--and I directed it and play the lead-Capt Vince Grant
tallactor: I really like Patrick Warburton and Peter Cullen
tallactor: next

Pleiades Rising: In relation to a previous question, have you noticed a change in the amount of discretion used in altering certain aspects of a given anime, e.g. English dub and script changes?

tallactor: It depends on the client. Some clients want it to adhere very closely to the original, then some will let you change some things. I always feel it's best to adapt it to the market it's playing to.
tallactor: next

fallenangel8: When your at conventions do you get fangirls (or fanboys) coming up to you alot and if so do you like the attention?

tallactor: I enjoy attending cons. I like the fans and like that they appreciate what I do.
tallactor: next

Michiyo Shimizu: -Do you have any similarities in your personality with the character, Bobobo, or really, any other character you've played in any other series?

tallactor: yes-I fight criminals with my nose hairs. All of my characters come from a place in me. Batou is very close to me, as is Jigen. I wouldn't do the things they do, but I do have a dry sense of humor and obviously they have my voice. But I also bring my take on things.
tallactor: next

Indi: Question: What's your favorite part about conventions?

tallactor: When I show the out takes from Lupin the Third and Bobobobobo. I really enjoy that because everyone loves it and laughs! I also enjoy my actor panel to get the opportunity to talk to the fans and answer their questions.
tallactor: next

the real yojimbo: I read somewhere that you did some work with the Dynasty Warriors series. If so, who is your favorite character?

tallactor: Dong Chou I probably misspelled that, but I've played him in about 10 games and I love that guy!
tallactor: next

Aceburner: Question: First of all, I'm really glad I could make it. Anyway, I know you're now more well-known for characters like Bo-Bobo and Batou, but thanks to my childhood I personally am more familiar with your work on Saban's Digimon Adventure dub as the evil Myotismon. What were your impressions of that character?

tallactor: Thank you--I really enjoyed playing Myotismon--who was me playing Dracula--which I did on stage--the cool thing was playing Ansem with Christopher Lee. I was also Etemon--who was me doing Elvis--that was great fun and I got to sing too!
tallactor: next

fallenangel8: Have you ever seen any shows (anime or non anime) that you really wanted to work on?

tallactor: Aside from the fact that I'd like to play James Bond--I would love to do Batman in an animated series. I would have loved to do Brock Sampson in Venture Bros--although Patrick does a great job! But I've been very lucky for the most part and have played a bunch of great characters.
tallactor: next

LazieNinjaFrog: what other anime do you plan on voicing/directing?

tallactor: I'm working on a new show called Monster--where I play Inspector Lunge, we just started session 2 of Mr. Men in which I play Mr. Noisy, I just finished Buso Renkin, I'm working on Lucky Star, Ghost Slayer Ayahsi, Bleach, Naruto, a new Kingdom Hearts game, a couple of new Disney games, a new Star Wars game and I'm directing a couple of huge games which I can't say what they are yet.
tallactor: next

Adam: hey Richard, it's 1 AM now, would you like to keep going or start to wrap up?
Adam: (oops, 10 PM in your time :))

tallactor: We can take a few more questions if they'd like--I have a 5am tee time
tallactor: next

Adam: awesome, anyone who hasn't had a question published yet, type "FIRST" and you'll get priority

Erzengel Weiss: I know that voice acting and directing can be a very stressful job. Where is the ideal get away spot for you when you're thinking of relaxing?

tallactor: Well I don't have a lot of time to get away, because I'm usually working. If we have weekends free, we try to go to Palm Springs or Vegas or Santa Barbara for the weekend to unwind. But it's tough. In this business, you're always on call.
tallactor: next

Sparky3000: (i don't know if i get to ask a question or not) Question: okay me and my friends are big fans of kingdom hearts, (i think one of them has an ansen poster in thier room) What was it like to play ansem in Kingdom hearts?

tallactor: It was great. I really love being part of that game. The way I got that part was--Billy Zane played the role in the first game. I guess he wasn't available for the second or didn't want to do it. The guy who does the voice for Ansem in Japan is the same guy who does the voice of Batou. So the producers asked who did Batou in English and that's how I go the part. It was great to hear Christopher Lee's voice.
tallactor: next

gnnwan: What are your hobbies (or what do you like to do) when your not-working?

tallactor: I really don't have a lot of down time. I try to work out when I can--I love golf, but it's hard to find the time and I enjoy poker. I go to a game with Lex Lang, Michael Sorich, Steve Kramer, Dave Whittenberg, and Jeff Nimoy. We have a blast and laugh all night. But I usually can only go once or twice a month.
tallactor: next

the real yojimbo: Do you take it personally when a game character you voice gets, well, destroyed?

tallactor: No. It's all just playing a part. It's kind of fun to get beat up or blown up. It's all acting.
tallactor: next

fallenangel8: Was it hard directing Noein due to all the science in the show?

tallactor: Noein was a very cool show. I really enjoyed working on it and I really enjoyed the science fiction of it. I loved the premise of the different dimensions. I think life can be so precarious and arbitrary sometimes and that show was really into all of that. I loved that show and I hope they do more.
tallactor: next

LazieNinjaFrog: Do you have any pets, and if not what would they be?

tallactor: I had two black labs that passed away recently. Right now I have two cats. One is Tigger and he is a very cool cat. The other is Muew-Muew names after an anime cat.
tallactor: next
tallactor: what happened to the PockyGirl?
tallactor: next

Adam: hey Richard, I think we're going to have to wrap up now, the question quality is starting to rapidly deteriorate :)

tallactor: Alright. I hope I answered everyone's questions

Adam: thanks SO much for coming, I know you're a busy man
Adam: and for answering so many questions too!

tallactor: Thank you guys! It was my pleasure!

Adam: would you mind staying for a little bit, so we can take chat off moderation mode
Adam: and have people thank you directly?

tallactor: sure

Adam: ok Beth, release moderation mode

This room is no longer being moderated.

Michiyo Shimizu: YATTA! 8D
jomz: thank you for coming!
ThePockyGirl: I'm right here! I wanted to give everyone else a chance to ask questions.. ^_^. Thanks for coming out tonight!
tallactor: release the hounds
Sparky3000: Thank you Richard!!!
Michiyo Shimizu: thank you very much...! lol
LazieNinjaFrog: HUZZAH
Tai-dyed: Thank you so much!!
Erzengel Weiss: Thank you very much for coming ^^
Sangome: Thank you for coming, Ziggy. ;D
LazieNinjaFrog: XD ty
Indi: Thank you for coming
Michiyo Shimizu: lol.
fallenangel8: Thank you so much for doing the chat
ThePockyGirl: And for the record.. I'm actually strawberry coated... =D
the real yojimbo: Thanks.
Raina: thank you for coming!
Michiyo Shimizu: LOL
BlackKite: Thanks, it was great! =]
LazieNinjaFrog: LOLZ
Shinmaru: Thanks, Inspector Lunge!! :P
SabrinaM: Thank you. ^_^
Aceburner: Yes, this was indeed epic, even for the short time I was here.
Michiyo Shimizu: XD
tallactor: lol
LazieNinjaFrog: Kon'pai!!!!
Sangome bops Shin for stealing her idea
Aceburner: Thanks a lot.
SunfallE Yes, thank you very much. ^_~
Shinmaru <3's Monster
Desbreko: Thanks for coming, this was really interesting.
Sangome <3
LazieNinjaFrog: XD
Sangome: Oops
fallenangel8: Richard I love you and I hope to meet you at a convention soon.
Adam: we're going to be posting a transcript of this chat for everyone who couldn't make it tonight
Sangome <3's Xenosaga too much
Michiyo Shimizu has le transcript! 8O
Sangome says SO THERE
Aceburner: Wrong button, then right button.
LazieNinjaFrog: Bobobo! XP
Michiyo Shimizu: yay! lol
Adam: a lot of members are up secretly Richard, they have school tomorrow and are huddled in their rooms over a laptop
Shinmaru: Monster > Xenosaga.
jomz: amazing, my first VA chat, and I got the first question. hurrah!
Michiyo Shimizu: yeaaaaaa, kumichou ~
ThePockyGirl throws pocky in air
Sangome: Kindly stfu, Shin. :D
Michiyo Shimizu is weary and needs to finish APUSH homework
Shinmaru: lolz
Sangome is impaled with pocky
Sangome: Ow.
Sangome: :(
tallactor: Cool--Thanks to all of you! And is that pocky in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
jomz chomps on pocky
LazieNinjaFrog: LOL
Michiyo Shimizu: LOL
Sangome: Oh ouch
ThePockyGirl: LOL...
Aceburner: :D
Desbreko: Both, of course.
jomz: LOL
ThePockyGirl: WOW
fallenangel8: it 1:20am for me right now and I have a chemistry lab at 8:00am
LazieNinjaFrog: I've never had pocky .^.
Sangome is mauled
Michiyo Shimizu: someone loves pocky a lot. *wants pizza pocky now*
Sangome: PROTIP: You can get it at Wal-Mart.
Aceburner finishes mauling.
Sparky3000: thanks richard, my friends loves your awsome work on voice acting, Ansem, Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo and batou, and all your awsome work
tallactor: THANKS! Great talking to all of you--get some rest and ace your tests!
ThePockyGirl: I had boxes of them up until a few days ago... gave them to friends because I couldn't eat them all
Desbreko: Depends on the Wal-Mart. The one in my city doesn't have it. But WinCo Foods does.
Michiyo Shimizu: lol you're welcome
ThePockyGirl: You're very welcome.. =D
Sangome: Two of the three Wal-Marts I got here have them, miracuously.
Shinmaru has no tests to ace :D
Sangome: *spelling
Sangome has no school tomorrow, yay college
Sparky3000: i'm going to fail anyway
LazieNinjaFrog: XD
Sangome: Or today, technically.
Tai-dyed has no tests to ace either
LazieNinjaFrog: too bad I have to go .o.
Aceburner: So, Shiggy Lemons.
Shinmaru: Yes?
ThePockyGirl has a project to finish
Aceburner: Is this chat deemed Moe?
tallactor: Goodnight--dream of Batou and the Major in a compromising position.
Shinmaru: It is the most Moe of chats.
Michiyo Shimizu: Goodnight, bye! =O/
Adam waves
Sangome: Kinky.
LazieNinjaFrog: had class in about five days o.o
Adam: good night!
Pleiades Rising: Night.
Desbreko: Later
Shinmaru: 'night!
Erzengel Weiss: good bye and good night
Tai-dyed: night
ThePockyGirl: Good night!
Pleiades Rising: And thank you!
Sangome: Oh, er, goodnight.
Sangome: 8D
SabrinaM: night!
Raina: good night Adam!
tallactor: Good night Adam--Thanks!

Don't forget to thank Richard Epcar for taking the time to come and chat with the members of theOtaku.
