Now Recruiting: theOtaku News

One of the big complaints I've been hearing again and again on Version Vibrant is our lack of news coverage. We have a lot of members who can't draw and can't write and who still want a way to contribute to our community and interact here. Thus we announce the forthcoming release of theOtaku NEWS, a site that'll bring together news on a number of categories of interest to members in a fun and unique way.

Very, very rarely does our site have any sort of staff openings, but we're looking for two people to contribute daily: One person to focus on MANGA and one person to focus on OTAKU-oriented video games. I estimate that the time needed will be about an hour a day, lower once you get the hang of things.

Here are the qualities the right person should have:
(1) Online a lot and constantly reading news on your expertise area
(2) Can write fun/witty headlines
(3) Can write a paragraph without spelling or grammar errors

To express your interest in one of the two positions, simply email me here taking a few recent stories from around the web in the subject area you're applying to and turning them into a funny headline + short descriptive text. Any questions, post them here.
