Caption Battle: Episode 3, Special Edition...

"It's that time again..."
"To fight Mecha-Hitler?"
"To prove that they're not really brother and sister?"
"No... it's time for this week's caption battle!"

But first, last week's winners:

Starting with Fullmetal Alchemist, in third place with good ol' office humour: ThePockyGirl!

Looks like Alphonse didn't get the memo for Casual Armor Day...

In second place, poking fun at armour-type naughty bits: Aceburner!

It was then that Al realized why he wore the loincloth when he was that very suit of Armor. He regretted the discovery almost immediately.

And in the first coveted first place, pretty much being exactly what I was thinking this whole week for this picture... Miss Anonymous!

And so, in the midst of such a fierce battle, Al couldn't help but think, "Gee, I hope no one mistakes me for Ed right now, cause that might ruin what could have been a really funny caption..."

Fun times. And now for the second screencap from .hack//Roots; in third place, appreciating the complexities of online gaming: schultzie!

Sakisaka: "I don't think the Guild of the Twilight can afford to buy you those new furry pink gauntlets Tabby. Unfortunately, it's not in the budget at this time."

In second place, speaking truth: stonegeek!

Warning sign: you know that you watch too much anime when this is what you and your friends look like... and its not a con weekend.

And finally, in the second coveted first place position, being deliciously retro and full of awesome... red tigress!

Tabby: Yes, Riddler, soon we will kill Adam West and the Key of Twilight will be ours! It's the prrrrrrrrrrfect plan!

Congratulations, everyone, and thanks for playing in this special 2-screencap caption battle!

...May we never have another.

So now on to this week, we'll go with a screencap from Ryosuke Forever featuring that new Evangelion Rebuild movie that came out a little while ago. Sitting on the left is Misato; standing on the right is stupid Shinji. Go for it:

You know the drill: type up the funniest, wittiest, most original caption you can think of for the screencap above in the comments below. Also, if any of you would like some tips on writing a great caption, you can find those here.

And like always, theOtaku is open to all submissions and suggestions for weekly feature content. You have a screencap you want used, you can PM me and we can do somethin' about it. Ho, gaudim la!
