Wonder Woman Screening Quick Thoughts

Day one of New York Comic Con was a lot of fun. The show keeps getting bigger and better every year, moving in step with its sister show, the New York Anime Festival.

Toward of the end of the day I had a choice between two screenings: Yatterman and Wonder Woman.

I chose Yatterman since it was otaku-related but was quickly told not to bother going since all tickets had been sold out. -1 to me for poor planning.

I went to the Wonder Woman screening with low expectations. The movie is animated with a direct-to-DVD release of March 3rd. Thankfully, I walked away pleased.

Here are some quick notes:

  • Wonderful Cast: You can't go wrong with Nathan Fillion, Alfred Molina, Rosario Dawson
  • Gory Action: Expect lots of decapitation scenes with some grand battle sequences
  • Strong Female Role Model: It's so rare in media these days to see a strong female lead character, which is why I admired the depiction of Wonder Woman
  • Hit Or Miss Humor: Some of the humor was a bit trite but some of it was quite funny

Overall, definitely worth a rental when it hits. Here's a photo from the screening:
