Minecraft trolling

So as I said earlier, I've been playing a lot of minecraft lately. i play with my brother, and we're kind of at war and busy trolling each other by messing up each others' houses. However, lately he hasn't played with me. Though this is frustrating, it provides great opportunity for me to troll uninterrupted So anyway, his enchanting room was designed with a wool floor patterned in black, lime green, and white. I took out that wool and replaced it with magenta and pink. Then I put a series of signs in the doorway, arranged to read: Play minecraft with me or I'll keep trolling. Your wool is in 3 of your chests (1 color per chest). Have fun! And remember, you have many chests all across the map. trolololololololol...

I spent more time on this than I do on schoolwork...probably not a good thing...also, I'm kinda nervous because he has TNT embedded in my walls and I still can't find it.
