Tales of Okuri Tale 3 of 7 Eliminating the Competition

“She still loves me. I know it. I feel it deep down inside.”

“Kiba, just help me get the banners in place, would you?”

Okuri struggled with tying the small knots in the thing strips of fabric. Kiba tied up the other end of the banner and they both jumped down. “Inuko still loves me, but I’m not sure if she’s still…….I think…… some other guy’s taken advantage of her. But that’s okay. I’ll just beat the snot out of him! She’ll fall back into my arms, and she’ll say yes to me…..”

“Don’t get your hopes up, Kiba. It’s a sure way to get let down.”

Daichi sat at his desk, going over the last details of the interior design. Nearby, Jun kneeled before her painting scroll, applying a vivid pink to her picture. She asked him, “Are you sure this is the right thing?”

He sighed. “Jun, if he wasn’t doing it, I think I might be doing it. Isamu is an ineffective leader, and someone was bound to replace him sooner or later.”

“B-but…..does that make it right?”

Daichi smiled. There was something about Jun, the way she stuttered, that he liked. He put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry Jun, everything is going to be ok. Okuri won’t be in charge forever. In a few weeks, every fool who thinks he’s got a shot at beating Okuri will come running, and he will eventually be overwhelmed. Then I’ll just kill the fool that kills Okuri, and become Shogun myself. Hopefully by then, anyone with any ambition will be dead, and my rule will be unchallenged. Then it will be just you and me.”

Jun smiled and looked at her picture. She liked that idea.

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