9:46 pm, 8 days since Inuko began sleeping in the same room as Kiba.
Kiba looked at the strange device. “So what does it do?”
“I’m not sure.”
Kiba shifted his eyes at Okuri. “Then why did you buy it?”
“I think this is so that I can inform any particular Samurai extremely fast in case someone needs to be exterminated.” Okuri cracked his neck bones. “Not that I should need to bother. I’ve already made plans in case any particular group, the nomad tribes, the separatists, the Yakuza, and especially that group that’s been giving us trouble recently…… the Order of the Flame, makes a single military move, the 3 of us should personally get to wipe out most of them.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were getting paranoid.”
“You know damn well I make plans to kill people when I get bored.” Okuri retorted, chomping on his strip of salted deer meat. “Shouldn’t you be keeping an eye on that precious geisha of yours, Inuko? I don’t think she took that well to news of her father’s death.”
Kiba walked out of the room. “She’s handling it just find. I’m far more concerned with her sudden drinking problem.”
“Well, hey, just don’t be taking advantage of her. You might end up creating a whole race of half demons.”
“Pfff. One generation isn’t an entire race.”
“Seriously, don’t. The last time 2 half demons shacked up, the second generation bred with humans-but the third generation was still half demon!”
Kiba turned his head. “Really? How long did that go on?”
“Well, there were 10 generations before they were wiped out, and they showed no signs of being any more human.”
“So, by taking advantage of Inuko, I could create a virtually unstoppable race of half demons…all of whom would call you ‘Uncle’.”
Okuri knew that Kiba was only joking when he said that. He also knew that the only appropriate way to respond was to joke as well. “Well, when you put it that way…..by all means, exploit her!” The 2 had a good laugh, and Kiba went on his way.