Tales of Okuri Tale 4 of 7 Sake and Swords

“I’m going to be away. We may not see each other for a long time, maybe forever. I knew this last night, and I thought it might be my last chance.”

Smooth, Kiba. You sounded SO mature when you said that. Not like some horny schoolboy.

As he ran through the pine forest with his siblings, one question never ceased to plague him. “How long is this war going to take?”

“Don’t know. Could be months, years, even a decade. Depends on how quickly we can kill people.” Okuri casually replied. “You’re thinking about her, aren’t you?”

“Yes, yes I am.”

“Well, I made sure she got home before I froze our estate, but anything else, you’ll have to handle.”

“How are we going to win this, Okuri?”

“With sake and swords, that’s how.”